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In Frankish times the centenarius held the same position as the sculdahis of the Lombards: his jurisdiction was similarly limited to minor offences; all cases involving capital punishment, loss of liberty, or delivering of res mancipii, being handed over to the count's court according to the legislation of Charlemagne. The decani and saltarii were subordinates of the centenarii and sculdahis.

The saltarius seems to have been originally a sort of guardian of forests, "custos saltuum" or "silvanus"; and the name of the decanus, like the Frankish centenarius, is a survival of the old decimal division of the army and people.

The officer who came next in rank to the judex, and who, in a subordinate capacity, assisted him especially in administering the judicial affairs of the civitas, was in Lombard times called the sculdahis, and in Carlovingian times the centenarius. Under him were the saltarius and the decanus.

In the case of a widow who married again the gift of the husband was called reiphe or reippus and very solemn ceremonies belonged to the giving of it according to the Salic law, Tit., 47: si, ut fieri adsolet, homo moriens viduam dimiserit et cam quis in coniugium voluerit accipere, antequam eam accipiat Tunginus aut Centenarius Mallum indicent, et in ipso Mallo scutum habere debet, et tres homines vel caussas mandare.

Nashins have been thinned by the lancet, but niver by the scythe; and years are not forces, but misures of events. No, Centenarius decays and dies bekase his bodil' expindituire goes on, and his bodil' income falls off by failure of the reparative and reproductive forces.