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Tu es mienne avant que tu sois morte; Les corps qui sont ici, la ville peut les prendre; Ils garderont au front comme une croix de cendre Le vestige du dieu que tu es maintenant!"

Professor Ansted includes the Oystercatcher in his list, but only marks it as occurring in Guernsey and Sark. There is an Oystercatcher and also a few of the eggs in the Museum. CURLEW. Numenins arquata, Linnaeus. French, "Courlis," "Grand courlis cendré."

Quand un souffle furtif glisse en ses cheveux blonds, Une cendre ineffable inonde son épaule, Et, de leur transparence argentant leurs cils longs, Ses yeux out la couleur des belle nuits du pôle. Et le gardien pensif du mystique oranger Des balcons de l'Aurore eternelle se penche, Et regarde passer ce fantôme léger Dans les plis de sa robe immortellement blanche. "Immortellement blanche!"

The Grey Phalarope is included in Professor Ansted's list, but no letters marking its distribution through the Islands are added, perhaps because it was considered to be generally distributed through all of them. There is no specimen at present in the Museum. HERON. Ardea cinerea, Linnaeus. French, "Heron cendré", "Heron huppé."

MONTAGU'S HARRIER. Circus cineraceus, Montagu. French, "Busard Montagu," "Busard cendré." Montagu's Harrier is certainly a more frequent visitant to the Islands than either the Hen Harrier or the Marsh Harrier. Miss C.B. Carey records one in the 'Zoologist' for 1873 as having been shot in Alderney in July of that year.

But Tony was very much in love with his wife and she knew it and soon, in his tender, whimsical, loving, teasing way, he had made her perfectly happy again. She was standing in front of her dressing-table, her cendre hair shadows shot with sunlight falling like a waterfall over her shoulders.

Her hair had been striking to him from the first, chiefly because it was of that hue for which there is no English word, but which the French call cendré ashen something between flaxen and brown, but with no relation to either that might have been bleached by a "treatment" only for its unmistakable gleam of life.

Lucy can talk pretty well sometimes, too. If she only had some idea of dress! There! I'm sure Dick saw me, but of course I shall take no notice. Upon my word, the young man next me is admiring the girl's hair on the other side of me. It's hideous red as a carrot, and stuck on at that. Thank Goodness! my hair hasn't a tinge of red in it pure blonde cendré but I have to pay awfully to match it.

Her broad Spanish hat suited her well, shading as it did cheeks slightly flushed by exercise, and shining tresses of that color which with us is nameless, and which across the Channel they call blond cendré. Her hand was strikingly perfect, even in its gauntlet. It might have been modeled from that famous marble fragment of which the banker-poet was so proud, and which Canova kissed so often.

The shepherdess has a robe of fairest crimson, and her flower-crowned locks in tint more nearly approach to the blond cendré which distinguishes so many of Palma's donne than to the ruddier gold that Titian himself generally affects. The more passionate of the two, she gazes straight into the eyes of her strong-limbed rustic lover, who half-reclining rests his hand upon her shoulder.