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But, unper- ceived by all but myself, one little fragment flew into a corner of the raft. I crawled toward it and picked it up. On one side of it was written Andr ; the rest of the word was torn away. M. Letourneur saw what I had done, and, rushing toward me, snatched the paper from my hands, and flung it into the sea.

"I spec' he wasn't a good man 'fore he died and got to go to the Bad Place," suggested Frances. "I'll betcher he never asked God to forgive him when he 'ceived his papa and sassed his mama," this from Jimmy, "and Doctor Sanford's just a-keeping old Satan from getting him to toast on a pitchfork."

He was looking very sheepish. "Hyar he is, Mars John; look at him!" said Mandy. "Hasty, where have you been all day?" demanded Douglas, severely. Hasty fumbled with his hat and sparred for time. "Did yo' say whar's I been, sah?" "Dat's what he done ast yo'," Mandy prompted, threateningly. "I bin 'ceived, Mars John," declared Hasty, solemnly. Mandy snorted incredulously. Douglas waited.

"And den I knowed as dey wa'n't debbils leastways not spiritual debbils as had my soul, dragging it down to you know where; but human debbils, as was takin' of me down in some deep wault to kill me. So I t'ought de best t'ing I could do was to sham dead. So I kep' my eyes shet and held my breaf, and shammed hard as I could. But somehow or 'noder I don't t'ink I 'ceived my lordship.

"W'en Mars Dugal hearn 'bout de ham, he say he wuz might'ly 'ceived en disapp'inted in Dave. He say he wouldn' nebber hab no mo' conferdence in no nigger, en Mars Walker could do des ez he wuz a mineter wid Dave er any er de res' er de niggers.

"Dat's it, dat's it," broke in a chorus of voices. "He 'ceived us, dat's what he did." The meeting went stormily on, the accusation and the anger of the people against the minister growing more and more. One or two were for dismissing him then and there, but calmer counsel prevailed and it was decided to give him another trial. He was a good preacher they had to admit.

"Well, and Sally tole me how, when she come to herself, she was in dis wessel. But she says she wasn't 'ceived one bit. She 'membered eberyting. And she could swear to de men as stole her, which dey was my lordship and a perty lordship he is! and de captain o' de wessel and de fust mate."

Oh thou, who blam'st my flight from Hind and Zaynab, * The cause is clear as dawn uplighting air! Now when Princess Budur saw him, she was seized by a transport of passion and yearning and love-longing, And Shahrazad per ceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say. When it was the One Hundred and Eighty-fifth Night,