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"From whom?" "You know very well." "No, I swear I do not." "Yes, you do. It is from that fop of a Marquis de Cazolles." "He is not a fop." "That may be, but he is stupid. He is no match for you who are so pretty, so fresh, so bright!" She asked with a smile: "What have you against him?" "I? Nothing!" "Yes, you have. He is not all that you say he is." "He is a fool, and an intriguer."

After a while they will dance, then they will retire, and the young girls will be satisfied. Take some champagne; it is excellent." Georges scarcely heard his words. He was looking for Suzanne, who had gone off with the Marquis de Cazolles; he left Norbert de Varenne abruptly and went in pursuit of the young girl.

They have promised you to the Marquis de Cazolles; they hope you will finally say 'yes' and they are waiting." "What can we do?" "Have you the courage to brave your father and mother for my sake?" "Yes." "Truly?" "Yes." "Well! There is only one way. It must come from you and not from me. You are an indulged child; they let you say anything and are not surprised at any audacity on your part.

Bel-Ami had requested that he might be the only young man in the party, for he could not bear the presence of the Marquis de Cazolles. At the last moment, however, it was decided that Count de Latour-Ivelin should go, for he and Rose had been betrothed a month. The day was delightful. Georges, who was very pale, gazed at Suzanne as they sat in the carriage and their eyes met. Mme.

"Oh, how I love you! How brave and good you are! Then you do not want to marry Marquis de Cazolles?" "Oh, no!" Mme. Walter, turning her head, called out: "Come, little one; what are you and Bel-Ami doing?" They rejoined the others and returned by way of Chatou. When the carriage arrived at the door of the mansion, Mme.

A gentleman greeted Suzanne a tall, slender man with fair whiskers and a worldly air. Georges heard her call him Marquis de Cazolles, and he was suddenly inspired with jealousy. How long had she known him? Since she had become wealthy no doubt. He saw in him a possible suitor. Some one seized his arm. It was Norbert de Varenne. The old poet said: "This is what they call amusing themselves.

She replied tearfully: "I was thinking that poor mamma could not sleep if she had found out that I was gone!" Her mother indeed was not asleep. When Suzanne left the room, Mine. Walter turned to her husband and asked in despair: "What does that mean?" "It means that that intriguer has influenced her. It is he who has made her refuse Cazolles. You have flattered and cajoled him, too.

Toward the end of March people talked of the marriage of the two sisters: Rose was to marry, Dame Rumor said, Count de Latour-Ivelin and Suzanne, the Marquis de Cazolles.