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The grandees who attended him were arrayed with wonderful magnificence, each according to his taste and invention. When they approached each other, therefore, before embracing, they made three profound reverences, the queen taking off her hat, and remaining in a silk net or cawl, with her face uncovered. The king then approached and embraced her, and kissed her respectfully on the cheek.

Betto moved the beehive chair into a cosy corner beside the fire for the young master, the men-servants all tugged their forelocks, and the women rose to make a smiling bob-curtsey. "Have some cawl, Ser!" said Betto, selecting a shining black bowl and spoon. "Not to-night, after all that fried ham; but another night I want nothing better for supper."

"Are you always running away?" asked Truedale from the hollow depths of unreality. "I run away a smart lot. You have to if you want to see things and be different." "And you you want to be different, Nella-Rose?" "I why, can't you see? I am different." "Of course. I only meant do you like to be different." "I have to like it. I was born with a cawl." "In heaven's name, what's that?"

They were interrupted by a clatter of heavy shoes and a chorus of boisterous voices, as three sailors came in loudly calling for their tea. "Hello, Gethin! not gone? Hast changed thy mind?" "Not a bit of it," said Gethin, pointing to his bag of clothes. "I have been a long time making up my mind, but it's Garthowen and the cows and the cawl for me this time and no mistake."

And in the last encounter, for a recompence of the affection of her Beloved, she presented him with two lustly and gallant boys; but because she would equally balance his great bounty; the Midwife takes the same walk again for another, and finding in what condition things stood, she calls for a bason of warm water, bringing out at last a most delicate pretty daughter, that was yet poor thing wrapt up in the Cawl.

Labat and Corboneau, two noted Anatomists. Having cut up the Muscles, and the Peritonæum, they found the Cawl schirous, and somewhat carnous, and about two Fingers breadth thick. 'Twas stretched over the Mass they sought for and adher'd to it.

The sheep on their own pasture lands yielded wool in abundance for their home-spun clothing, the flitches of bacon that garnished the rafters provided ample flavouring for the cawl, and for the rest Will and Gwilym's fishing and shooting brought in sufficient variety for the simple tastes of the family. Indeed, there was only one thing that was not abundant at Garthowen, and that was ready money!

"No, no," said Sara, "she's a sensible girl, and going to be married to Gwilym Morris too! that will be a happy thing for her I think." Morva was silent, following her own train of thoughts while she ate her barley bread and drank her cawl, and when she broke the silence with a remark about Will, to both women it came naturally, as the sequence of their musings.

The grandees who attended him were arrayed with wonderful magnificence, each according to his taste and invention. When they approached each other, therefore, before embracing, they made three profound reverences, the queen taking off her hat, and remaining in a silk net or cawl, with her face uncovered. The king then approached and embraced her, and kissed her respectfully on the cheek.

"Well, there's nothing will beat cawl, that's certain," said Ebben, the head servant, beginning with long-drawn noisy sups to empty his own bowl. "Finished the turnips to-day?" asked Cardo. "Oh, yes," said Ebben, with a slight tone of reproof in his voice; "the work goes on though you may not be at home, Ser.