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Without preamble, in a sober, matter-of-fact way, the cave-woman stated that the time had come for a decisive step; and with this she placed three bunches of owl's feathers on the floor. In vain Say Koitza protested, affirming that her health was fully restored. Shotaye would not listen to refusal or excuse. Now or never, she commanded.

It was a sad disappointment to the boy, and yet was he not staying at home in defence of his mother and of Mitsha? Say Koitza had ceased to weep, but the persistent neglect which she thought she suffered from Shotaye grieved her. At last she asked Okoya whether he had seen anything of the cave-woman. His reply, that he thought she had gone, explained everything.

It occurred to her that, seen from his point of view, her elimination from the scene might be regarded somewhat in the light of providential interference in his behalf. She flushed. It wasn't fair! The thought of Peter Champneys was gall and wormwood to her. Nancy wasn't a fool. Her honesty had a blunt directness, a sort of cave-woman frankness.

And they ran off, smiling confidently at their father, giggling, chattering about important affairs in their intolerable, shrieking voices. George could never understand why Lois should attempt, as she constantly did, to instil into them awe of their father; his attitude to the children made it impossible that she should succeed. But she kept on trying. The cave-woman again!

Would they come right along, like the cave-woman, merely biting off my ear as they came, or are they degenerate enough to bring an action against me, indicting the express company as a party of the second part? Doubts such as these prevent me from taking active measures. But they leave me, as they leave many another man, preoccupied and fascinated with the cave-man.

He may have fallen in the water! Oh, hurry!" They were off in a moment, shouting into the dark passages of the outer cave: "Willie! Willie!" There was agonized anxiety in their voices. And then in a moment, as it seemed, they were back again, with Willie in their arms, blubbering, his rabbit-skin all wet. "Goodness gracious!" said the Cave-woman. "He'd fallen right in, the poor little man.

"Then I ask your pardon. I did not dream " "There you go, spoiling it all! I I quite liked you for it. Don't you remember, I, too, was a cave-woman, brandishing the whip over your head? "But I am not done with you yet, Sir Doubleface, even if you have dropped out of the battle." Her eyes were sparkling mischievously, and the wee laughter-creases were forming on her cheek.

She was hustling about already, good primitive housewife that she was, making the stone-plates rattle on the mud table. "Why, really " I began. But I was interrupted by a sudden exclamation from both the Cave-man and the Cave-woman together: "Willie! where's Willie!" "Gracious!" cried the woman. "He's wandered out alone oh, hurry, look for him! Something might get him!

She expected the cave-woman surely to come down to cheer her up. She felt a longing for her friend, a desire to see her, to hear her voice. But day after day ran on, night after night followed, and Shotaye did not come. It did not surprise her that Shotaye did not appear on the first day, but on the evening of the second she began to tremble.

Flinks, very quietly. And Margaret went mad. The earth and the sky dissolved in many floating specks and then went red red like that heap yonder. The veneer of civilisation peeled, fell from her like snow from a shaken garment. The primal beast woke and flicked aside the centuries' work. She was the Cave-woman who had seen the death of her mate the brute who had been robbed of her mate.