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A. Stridor had ordered them to send delegates to Indianapolis secretly, in order to assist in appointing delegates to go to St. Catharines, in Canada, in a few days, to consult as to the best means to be adopted to aid their friends, as they had met with a great loss. They had lost a ship and a valuable cargo, as well as their most important men who were to operate in burning cities.

We saw it would be some days yet before the ship would reach the city, and therefore determined to go up in a wherry, that is a row-boat, from Gravesend. As soon as one came alongside we went aboard, and passed by Gravesend and other villages. It was nine o'clock in the evening when we landed at St. Catharines, and went to a tavern called the Dutch Smack, but they would not receive us.

As there were so many of them, and they figured as queens each for so short a period, they are commonly designated in history by their personal family names, and even in these names there is a great similarity. There were three Catharines, two Annes, and a Jane. The only one who lived and died in peace, respected and beloved to the end, was the Jane.

Catharines, in Canada, at the meeting about which I have heretofore spoken. Many of our best men had to return home from the army for a brief period and canvass as stump orators before the people, in order to quiet their apprehensions and fears as to the chances of our ultimate success." "Yes," said Capt. Inglesby, "I well remember the very great anxiety then amongst our people.

A.W. Currie of Victoria, Commanding Officer of the 50th Fusiliers; Lieut.-Col. J.E. Cohoe of St. Catharines, Commanding Officer of the 5th Militia Infantry Brigade. The officer appointed to command the artillery brigade was Lieut.-Col. H.E. Burstall of Quebec, of the Artillery Headquarters Staff. Officer in command of the Strathcona Horse, Lieut.-Col.

So I plead guilty to the charge of wanting sentiment, choosing rather to be true to nature. And there is this consideration: if there be among the Dahcotahs some Catharines, there are many Petruchios. A group of Indian girls were seated on the grass, Wauska in the centre, her merry musical laugh echoed back by all but Wenona.

The officials on both sides let the machines pass, but any one crossing Canada would better comply with all regulations and save trouble. It was six o'clock when we arrived at St. Catharines.

"The President requested Henry to continue his investigations, and especially to attend the meeting of the leading Knights of the Golden Circle, who were soon to meet at St. Catharines, in Canada, and send through me, without delay, his report. The President inquired very particularly about all our family, including Gen. Anderson and Jackson.

"There can be but one opinion," said The British American Journal, of St. Catharines, "in the minds of honest men, relative to the sentiments contained in this letter.

"The voices of Psalms, the sound of Canticles, the breath of Epistles, and the Spirit of Gospels, had need unloose the language of my words in congratulating your superhuman Majesty on having not only restored conscience to the minds and hearts of Englishmen and taken deceitful heresy away from them, but on bringing it to pass, when it was least hoped for, that charity and faith were again born and raised up in them; on which sudden conversion triumphs our sovereign Pontiff Julius, the College, and the whole of the clergy, so that it seems in Rome as if the shades of the old Cæsars with visible effect showed it in their very statues; meanwhile the pure mind of his most blessed Holiness canonizes you, and marks you in the catalogue among the Catharines and Margarets, and dedicates you," &c.