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"'Tired or not, I will wear it that long, I said: and then I marched upstairs and cried to think that I had been sarcastic to mother. "I hate that hat already. But three years or the duration of the war, I said, and three years or the duration of the war it shall be. I vowed and I shall keep my vow, cost what it will. "That is one of the 'catawampus' things.

Nate was just emerging from the door. The claybank mare, saddled and bridled, stood in front of the cabin. He was evidently about to mount. "Look-a-hyar, ye scamp!" Byers saluted him gruffly, "whyn't ye let we-uns know ez ye hed got back that thar grant o' yourn, ez hev sot the whole mounting catawampus? Pig-wigs hearn ye talkin' 'bout it at las', and tole ye ez he hed it, I s'pose?"

It says here that the slaughter was terrible. For all they were foreigners it is awful to think of so many men being killed, Mrs. Dr. dear for they are scarce enough as it is." Rilla was upstairs relieving her over-charged feelings by writing in her diary. "Things have all 'gone catawampus, as Susan says, with me this week.

I am a worldly man," said Pringle with emotion, "but this spectacle touches me it does indeed!" "I'll get square with you!" gurgled Applegate, as fiercely as his breathless condition would permit. "George may I call you George? I don't know your name. You may get square with me, George but you'll never be square with anyone. You are a rhomboidinaltitudinous isosohedronal catawampus, George!"

I thought gods only drank vanilla on Mount Catawampus. "Then some more native parties in short kimonos that showed their aboriginees punctured the near-horizon, and me and High had to skip back into Father Axletree's private boudoir.

"Ay," muttered Lincoln, finishing the sentence; "if the Yankee's bullet hadn't been needed for the varmint, some o' yer wudn't a' been waggin' yer clappers as ye air." "It was you, then?" I asked, turning to the hunter. "'Twur, Cap'n; but for the cussed catawampus, I 'ud 'a gin Mister Dubrosc his ticket.

They recollect the history of that short period in which they have been ornaments of the world by the names of winning horses. As political men talk about 'the Reform year, 'the year the Whigs went out, and so forth, these young sporting bucks speak of TARNATION'S year, or OPODELDOC'S year, or the year when CATAWAMPUS ran second for the Chester Cup.

Birt exclaimed indignantly, and Jubal Perkins laughed. "I seen sech a cur'ous lookin' man, down in the ravine by the lick, ez it sot me all catawampus!" continued Rufe. As he told of his defection, and the falsehood with which he had accounted for it, Jubal Perkins came to a sudden decision.

Knitting is something you can do, even when your heart is going like a trip-hammer and the pit of your stomach feels all gone and your thoughts are catawampus. Then when I see the headlines, be they good or be they bad, I calm down and am able to go about my business again.

The tanner nodded assent. "Waal, I noticed ez the aidge o' one o' them boards war sot sorter catawampus, an' I 'lowed ez 't war the wind ez hed 'sturbed it. Ez I stooped down ter move it back in its place, I seen su'thin' white under it. So I lifted the board, an' thar I see, lyin' on the tan a-top o' the pit, a stiff white paper.