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Scarcely has he ascended the throne than he offers assistance to the revolted Catalonians." "Has Catalonia also revolted? The King, Philip IV, no longer has the Count-Duke for his Prime-Minister?" "Just the contrary, Sire. It is on this very account.

Neither does an oral tradition I heard some times ago appear so absurd to me, as it did when it was first related to me, which says, that two Catalonians travelling over the Alps, were not a little surprized when they came into the Grison country, to find that their native tongue was understood by the inhabitants, and that they could comprehend most of the language of that district.

The Catalonians, the Galicians, and the Biscayans, have the most frequent intercourse with America. They there form as it were three distinct corporations, which exercise a remarkable influence over the morals, the industry, and commerce of the colonies.

The sombre air and the silence of these spectators contrasted with the gay and anxious looks of the girls, and their childish exclamations. "Ah, the fine procession!" they cried; "there are at least five hundred men with cuirasses and red uniforms, upon fine horses. They've got yellow feathers in their large hats." "They are strangers Catalonians," said a French guard.

He had also the glory, not less dear to his chivalrous temper, of saving the life and honour of the beautiful Duchess of Popoli, whom he met flying with dishevelled hair from the fury of the soldiers. He availed himself dexterously of the jealousy with which the Catalonians regarded the inhabitants of Castile.

"The Catalonians are more disposed toward France than toward Portugal, and there is still time to deprive the King of-the Duke of Portugal, I should say of this protectorship." "What! I assist rebels! You dare " "Such was the intention of his Eminence," continued the Secretary of State.

Scarcely has he ascended the throne than he offers assistance to the revolted Catalonians." "Has Catalonia also revolted? The King, Philip IV, no longer has the Count-Duke for his Prime-Minister?" "Just the contrary, Sire. It is on this very account.

Scarcely has he ascended the throne than he offers assistance to the revolted Catalonians." "Has Catalonia also revolted? The King, Philip IV, no longer has the Count-Duke for his Prime-Minister?" "Just the contrary, Sire. It is on this very account.

At all events, Henrietta, sister of Louis XIII. of France, was his final choice; and shared his terrible misfortunes a few years later. A revolt of the Catalonians on the French frontier led to a difficulty with France, which was finally adjusted by the celebrated "treaty of the Pyrenees."

In 1352, under the walls of Constantinople, the Genoese defeated the combined squadrons of the Venetians, the Catalonians, and the Greeks.