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She disapproved of most of Ben's friends, and would have despised his paper if she ever read it. The only good thing about it in her estimation was, he seemed to be able "to knock a living out of it" a process which Nora regarded with a sort of gay casualness.

She looked up, and this time met Randerson's gaze with more confidence, for his pretense of casualness had set her fears at rest. "Mr. Masten come over to see him, too." The lie came hesitatingly through her lips. She looked at Masten as though for confirmation, and the latter nodded. "Catherson is hard to catch," he said. "I've been over here a number of times, trying to see him."

It held the casualness of one certain to be obeyed. Although Peter had done no crime, nor had even harbored a criminal intention, a trickle of apprehension went through him at Bobbs's nod. He recalled Jim Pink's saying that it was bad luck to see the constable. He walked up to the shuddering motor and stood about three feet from the running-board.

Maldon, intimidated by the mere name. Then she smiled, in an effort to reassure herself. "Louis, you are a tease. You really shouldn't tease me." "I'm not," said Louis, with that careful air of false blank casualness which he would invariably employ for his more breath-taking announcements. "I always carry a loaded revolver."

Mike, who hated all things that reminded him of the casualness of this human frame, never was at ease in his presence, and his eye turned in disgust from sight of the poor old gentleman's trembling and ossified fingers. His beard was long and almost white; he snuffed, and smoked a clay pipe, and sat in the arm-chair which stood in the corner beneath the screen which John Norton had left to Hall.

At last he said, with an affectation of casualness: "Father been pretty well of late, my dear?" Ida hesitated for a moment. She could not bring herself to tell even Mr. Wordley of her father's painful habit of walking in his sleep. "Yes," she said, "fairly well. Sometimes he is rather restless and irritable as if he were worried. Has he anything to worry him, Mr.

He pretended not to see the flush on Keller's face as he told the lie; and his greeting to Della was distinguished by calm casualness. Later, when Warden told her that the Two Diamond had been lonely without her, and that the trail was in condition for travel, she readily agreed to accompany him.

"Come along!" he said, with fine casualness, and conducted her to the eight swinging glass doors that led to the salle

The brief pause that followed was tense and fraught with suppressed emotion. "Did it work?" McCabe at length inquired, with elaborate casualness. "Sure. The gang didn't dare raise a finger to him. They might have put a bullet through him any time, or a knife, and made a safe get-away, but then they'd have had to desert the claims, which wasn't their game at all.

Apparently she forgave. Said Lady Sophia simply, "Now, Mr. Farll, shall I have to give evidence or not? You know it depends on you?" The casualness of her tone was sublime; it was heroic; it made her feet small. He had sworn to himself that he would be cut in pieces before he would aid the unscrupulous Mr. Oxford by removing his collar in presence of those dramatic artistes.