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All grades of aluminum bronze make fine castings, taking very exact impressions, and there is no loss in remelting, as in the case of alloys containing zinc. The 5 per cent. aluminum alloy is a close approximation in color to 18 carat gold, and does not tarnish readily. Its tensile strength in the form of castings is equivalent to a strain of 68,000 pounds to the square inch.

All the improvements of Paris might have been completed with the money spent on stucco castings, gilt mouldings, and sham sculpture during the last fifteen years by individuals of the Crevel stamp. Beyond this drawing-room was a splendid boudoir furnished with tables and cabinets in imitation of Boulle. The bedroom, smart with chintz, also opened out of the drawing-room.

The base was buried to a depth of 10 inches, as was ascertained by driving an iron skewer horizontally into the ground beneath it. The vegetable mould forming the turf-covered sloping border round the stone, on which many castings had recently been ejected, was 10 inches in thickness; and most of this mould must have been brought up by worms from beneath its base.

Rate at which various objects strewed on the surface of grass- fields are covered up by the castings of worms The burial of a paved path The slow subsidence of great stones left on the surface The number of worms which live within a given space The weight of earth ejected from a burrow, and from all the burrows within a given space The thickness of the layer of mould which the castings on a given space would form within a given time if uniformly spread out The slow rate at which mould can increase to a great thickness Conclusion.

The Wilson gas producer, working in conjunction with the open-hearth furnace, had recently produced some extremely wonderful results. In some large works, steel was by its aid being melted from slack which was previously absolutely a waste product. The method of making open-hearth steel castings might be varied greatly.

Particles of stone worn or triturated in the gizzards of worms Swallowed stones serve as mill-stones The levigated state of the castings Fragments of brick in the castings over ancient buildings well rounded. The triturating power of worms not quite insignificant under a geological point of view.

The result of the very first trial of this simple metal mould was most satisfactory. It yielded me a very perfect casting: and it passed successively through the ordeal of the first rough grinding, and eventually through the processes of polishing, until in the end it exhibited a brilliancy that far exceeded that of the sand mould castings.

However, I was at it late and did it pretty perfectly, and so, after eating something, to bed, my mind eased of a great deal of figures and castings. 19th. Up, and to my accounts again, and stated them very clear and fair, and at noon dined at my lodgings with Mr.

"And," said Jim, telling the story afterward, "I allowed I'd never seen a young feller as knowing about castings as him. She took it down straight. You can't pile it on too thick for a woman, about her young 'un." "Somebody ought to paint it," Blair said, under his breath. Mrs. Maitland's face glowed; she came and stood beside him a moment in silence, resting her big, dirty hand on his shoulder.