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We hab our own housen dar, an' pigs, an' poultry, an' taturs, an' a heap besides, an' time to come an' go, an' doctors wen we's sick, an' our own preachin', an' de banjo an' bones to dance by, an' de best ob funeral 'casions an' weddin's bofe, an' no cole wedder, an' nuffin to do but set by de light wood-fiah an' smoke a pipe wen we gits past work; an' we chooses our own time to lay by some sooner, some later, 'cordin' as de jints holes out.

Then, feeling very self-righteous, he went upstairs. "Now I'm cleaned up for thee: tha's no 'casions ter stir a peg all day, but sit and read thy books." Which made her laugh, in spite of her indignation. "And the dinner cooks itself?" she answered. "Eh, I know nowt about th' dinner." "You'd know if there weren't any." "Ay, 'appen so," he answered, departing.

"Now I may h've said some things on partickaler pesterin' 'casions in times past, but in general my verdick hohum! is fav'rable to female grass; 'specially hohum! hohum! wal, wal, ye knows my meanin', major 'specially with regards to red and white clover: hohum! how 's Vesty?"

She used to say, "Lawd, chile, you don't know how soovin' it is to jest bust out awn 'casions lake dese!" Happy negroes! Happy children, who can "bust out" when their feelings get the better of them! Civilization robs us of many of our acutest pleasures. That night on the way home from the theatre I learned something.

This why I was vexed at the Rhone if vexed I was for representing as impracticable an ex- cursion which I cared nothing about. How little I cared was manifest from my inaction on former oc- casions. I had a prejudice against Vancluse, against Petrarch, even against the incomparable Laura.

Now the gods were taking their vengeance upon the one she loved best. Of course only an American girl would be so brazen as to show her liking for any special man. I took him by the shoulder. "Ishi, you are drunk. And at such a time." "No, Jenkins San, I triumph for Hanaford San. He die to escape Zura San. 'T is special 'casion. All Japanese gentlemens drink special 'casions.

"Sol," said Long Jim, "you do talk a power uv foolishness, with your Dogs an' Pups." "It ain't foolishness," rejoined the shiftless one. "I heard Paul read it out o' a book oncet, plain ez day. They've been ruled by Dogs at Venice for more than a thousand years, an' on big 'casions the Dog comes down a canal in a golden barge, settin' on the Pup.

Miss Dinah had come up from the village, and her ebony suitor was expected. With that and their delight at Miss Elsie's improvement, the whole staff was in excellent spirits. "It's one ob dem 'casions," said Dolf, "when we ort ter do somethin' a little out ob de common run what do yer say, Miss Clorindy?"

"All things must come to an end," said Shif'less Sol, with a sigh, when he could eat no more. "It's on sech 'casions ez this that I realize it. I wish I wuz ez hungry ez I wuz a little while ago, an' could eat all over ag'in." "We've been in big luck," said Henry. "If it hadn't been for this little island I believe we would have been wrecked.

"Well, about twenty-five or thirty miles, perhaps." "Which will bring you," said Sam meditatively, "just about to the Halfway House. Seein' it's about there you'll be stopping I reckon I better give you my new buggy. I sort of keep it, you know, for special 'casions."