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Now, in the March sunset, with the fire upon the hearth, with the dogs that had entered with the master, the shadowy corners, and many books, it had an aspect both rough and gracious. It was a room in which to remember, and it had an air favourable to resolve. The last of the Greenwood Carys walked to the western window and stood looking out and up.

Pincornet in his corner, hearing the words "Gentlemen" and "Cary," drank with gusto his very thin wine, and Adam drank because he had always liked the Carys and certainly had no grudge against "Aurelius," whoever he might be. In the first lull of sound the man at the table with Lewis Rand spoke in a loud, harsh, but agreeable voice. "Well, Mr.

She's up there now praying for the Stonewall Brigade and for Richard." "Molly, you're uncanny!" said Unity. "Oh me! Love and Hate North and South and we'll not have the bulletin until to-morrow " Miss Lucy rose. "I am going upstairs to Judith and tell her that I simply know Richard is safe. There are too many broken love stories in the world, and the Carys have had more than their share."

The Carys, fortunately, have a certain fine obstinacy of their own. It is a saving grace." The other laughed. "I never heard that the Churchills lacked it, sir. Anyhow, I mean to marry Miss Dandridge. I've told her and the world my intention, and they may count upon my carrying it out. If she only knew how lonely it is at Greenwood!

"Ordered out on Mechanicsville pike that's all they know," said a man. The two Carys, freeing themselves from the throng, mounted toward the Capitol Square, entered it, and walked slowly through the terraced, green, and leafy place. There was passing and repassing, but on the whole the place was quiet. "I return to the lines to-morrow," said Warwick Cary. "The battle cannot be long postponed.

A Bland and a Bassett and a Randolph came on horseback, while a barge brought up river a bevy of blooming Carters, a white-sailed sloop from Warwick landed a dozen Carys, great and small, and two periaguas, filled with Harrisons, Aliens, and Cockes, shot over from the Surrey shore.

He's over there.... All this talk about Aaron Burr.... Austerlitz twenty thousand Russians.... Westwood the coiner got clean away on a brig for Martinique. One villain the less here, one the more in Martinique. Martinique! that's where the Empress Josephine comes from " "My faith!" said Adam. "It's worse than the mockingbirds in June!" The doors opened and the two Carys entered the coffee room.

The house as it now stands a familiar object to tourists is merely a portion of what once was a larger structure. It was partly built by the Carys in the year of the Spanish Armada. Roger Mallock reconstructed it some seventy years later.

"Better dwell in the shadow forever," cried Jacqueline, with passion, "than to reign with faithlessness in the sun!" "I am not faithless " "So Benedict Arnold thought! Oh, Lewis!" "You speak," said Rand slowly, "too much like the Churchills and the Carys."

"The shepherds and shepherdesses look," said Unity, "as though they were shivering a little. I don't suppose they ever thought they'd live to see a Wilton carpet cut into blankets for Carys and other soldiers gone to war! It's impossible not to laugh when you think of Edward drawing one of those coverlets over him! Oh, me!"