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Be neither too lax nor too precise in your use of language: the one fault ends in stiffness, the other in slang. Some one told the Emperor Tiberius that he might give citizenship to men, but not to words. To be sure, Louis XIV. in childhood, wishing for a carriage, called for mon carrosse, and made the former feminine a masculine to all future Frenchmen.

It is extraordinary to consider what powerful effects such trumpery causes could have, but it is a fact that the desolating and cruel wars of the Fronde largely depended upon jealousies of the carrosse and the tabouret. La Rochefoucauld's support of the rebellion frankly and openly was based upon it. La Rochefoucauld brings the first part of his "Mémoires" down to 1649.

But there are no hooks there,” said Alyosha, looking gently and seriously at his father. “Yes, yes, only the shadows of hooks, I know, I know. That’s how a Frenchman described hell: ‘J’ai bu l’ombre d’un cocher qui avec l’ombre d’une brosse frottait l’ombre d’une carrosse.’ How do you know there are no hooks, darling? When you’ve lived with the monks you’ll sing a different tune.

Meanwhile our friends are rapidly nearing Paris, and, even as we speak, their train is at the depot. "Ah, here we are, and our pleasant journeying pour le present a thing of the past," said Lady Esmondet. "How long a stay do you make here?" asked Bertram, giving her his arm to a carrosse.

Having occasion to go down into the court, he heard what the people had done with Law's carriage, and, upon returning to the Salon, he said with great gravity: "Messieurs, bonne nouvelle, Le carrosse de Law est en canelle." Is not this a becoming jest for such serious personages?

"Not so altogether; you also are near," and her arm is involuntarily pressed to his side. "Well, ladies fair and gallants gay," said Mr. Bertram, as he found a comfortable lounging chair for Lady Esmondet, "we have just time for a cup of coffee and a cigarette, ere we roll away in a carrosse to the Theatre Francais."