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I cared very little for a few day's interest very little for the entire sum, compared with the image that occupied my thoughts, and beckoned me with a white arm, through the dark, toward the spreading lime trees and chestnuts of the Chateau de la Carque.

The result was that he made terms for himself, became an informer, and concerted with the police this visit made to the Chateau de la Carque at the critical moment when every measure had been completed that was necessary to construct a perfect case against his guilty accomplices.

That cemetery is embowered in trees and occupies little more than half an acre of ground to the left of the road, interposing between it and the park of the Chateau de la Carque. Here, at this haunted spot, I paused and listened. The place was utterly silent.

I am lodged in the Dragon Volant, which stands at the verge of the grounds of the Chateau de la Carque." "That is better still. I need not ask if you have courage for an adventure. I need not ask if you are a man of honor. A lady may trust herself to you, and fear nothing. There are few men to whom the interview, such as I shall arrange, could be granted with safety.

From this we passed to other topics, and the grave Monsieur Carmaignac amused us with a perfectly prodigious collection of scandalous anecdote, which his opportunities in the police department had enabled him to accumulate. My guests happily had engagements in Paris, and left me about ten. I went up to my room, and looked out upon the grounds of the Chateau de la Carque.