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Did he deny it, he would save his own face at the expense of the other young woman's feelings. So, though he could have throttled Purdy he put a bold front on the matter. "CARPE DIEM is my motto, my boy! I intend to make both young ladies pay toll." His words were the signal for a fresh scream and flutter: the third young person had escaped, and was flying down the path.

Then he opened his pen-knife, and scratched a deep line of erasure through the "Carpe diem" in his locket, and underneath, cutting with great pains, he inserted a date, "July 3, 1863," and the words "Nunc dimittis." Below that he cut "Te Deum laudamus."

The usual warning was sent out to the common people, or vassals of the district, which they, notwithstanding their feeling of antipathy, received in general with delight, upon the great Epicurean principle of carpe diem, that is to say, in whatever circumstances it happens to present itself, be sure you lose no recreation which life affords.

We shall then put in the first group such well-known seers and poets as Epicurus, Lucretius, Horace, Goethe, Shelley, Byron, Walter Pater, Walt Whitman; we shall think of the Greek gods, of the Renaissance artists, the English cavaliers. We shall think of the motto, "Carpe diem," and "Gather ye rosebuds while ye may"; and perhaps of Stevenson's

They say Carpe would be glad to get Barton out of the curacy if he could; but he can't do that without coming to Shepperton himself, as Barton's a licensed curate; and he wouldn't like that, I suppose. At this moment Mrs. Patten showed signs of uneasiness, which recalled Mr. Pilgrim to professional attentions; and Mrs.

But on the same authorities exactly we have opposite maxims, inspired by a feeling that mortal prudence is fallible, that life is shorter than policy, and that only the present is real; for we hear, A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, Carpe diem, Ars longa, vita brevis.

"Drink no more, sir, I beg; you'll be ill to-morrow," said I to the Dominie. "Deprome quadrimum," hiccuped the Dominie. "Carpe diem quam minimum creula postero. Sing, friend Dux Quem virum sumes celebrare music amicus. Where's my pattypan? "Propria quae maribus had a little dog, Quae genus was his name "My memory faileth me what was the tune?"

He has been called the English Catullus, but he strikes rather the Horatian note of Carpe diem and regret at the shortness of life and youth in many of his best-known poems, such as Gather ye Rose-buds while ye may, and To Corinna, To Go a Maying.

No blow then has ever been struck at the natural loves and laughter of men so sterilizing as this carpe diem of the aesthetes. For any kind of pleasure a totally different spirit is required; a certain shyness, a certain indeterminate hope, a certain boyish expectation. Purity and simplicity are essential to passions yes even to evil passions. Even vice demands a sort of virginity.

"Good evening, your Excellency," said Sir Asinus, bowing. "From your exile?" "Yes, sir." "Ah, well, carpe diem! be happy while you may that has been my principle in life. A fine assembly; and if I am not mistaken, I hear the shuffle of cards yonder in the side room." "Yes, sir." "Ah, you Virginians! I find your thirst for play even greater than my own."