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"Oh, Katharine Comstock!" groaned Elvira Carney, clinging to the fence for support. "Looks as if the Bible is right when it says, 'The wages of sin is death, doesn't it?" asked Mrs. Comstock. "Instead of doing a woman's work in life, you chose the smile of invitation, and the dress of unearned cloth. Now you tell me you are marked to burn to death with the unquenchable fire. And him!

No woman or man can do what you've done, and not get a mark set on them for every one to read." "Mercy!" gasped weak little Elvira Carney. "Have mercy!" "Mercy?" scoffed Mrs. Comstock. "Mercy! That's a nice word from you! How much mercy did you have on me?

Among those on the platform was Sergeant William H. Carney, of New Bedford, Mass., the brave coloured officer who was the colour-bearer at Fort Wagner and held the American flag. In spite of the fact that a large part of his regiment was killed, he escaped, and exclaimed, after the battle was over, "The old flag never touched the ground."

He felt in some doubt, and not without reason. The place was a mere two-storied shanty, all askew and generally unpromising. "Can I that is, does the proprietor take er guests?" he asked. "Guess Carney takes most anythin'," came the easy reply. The door of the hotel opened and two men came out, eyeing the newcomer and his horse critically.

By the time that the afternoon's practice was over fully fifty Army officers were on the sides, watching the work, for word had traveled by 'phone and the gathering had been a quick one. "Prescott! Holmes!" called Brayton sharply, after the practice was over. "You'll play on the Army team tomorrow. Lieutenant Carney says so.

She was just starting off for a drive with Mrs. Rodney. "Bad news, Carney?" she demanded, struck by his expression. She was following him toward a remote corner of the approach. He did not reply until they were seated, much nearer to each other than was their wont. "Read that," he said, slipping the Standard into her hands. "Wot do you think of it?" "My dear Carney, I don't know.

"That's straight and correct," affirmed Holmes hastily. "But I'm not sure, Brayton, that you'll find us such bang-up material as you appear to think." "Oh, bother that!" cried the Football captain jubilantly. "I know what Lieutenant Carney can do with you. So, for the glory the Army, then, you'll come out, after this, and stand by us for the rest of the season?"

The country from Fort Carney for four hundred miles up the Platte river valley and back from the high bluffs, that skirted the river on either side, was one vast rolling plain with no vegetation except a coarse luxuriant growth of grass in the valley near the river and beyond the bluffs; in spots that were not bare grew the prickly pear, and a short crisp grass of lightish color and of two varieties the bunch and buffalo grasses which were very nutritious, as the cattle thrived and grew fat on them.

You'll stand there and hear the truth at last, and because I dare face you and tell it, you will know in your soul it is truth. When Robert Comstock shaved that quagmire out there so close he went in, he wanted to keep you from knowing where he was coming from. He'd been to see Elvira Carney. They had plans to go to a dance that night " "Close your lips!" said Mrs.

The Artist having embarked with young Allen had a speedy and pleasant passage to Gibraltar; where, in consequence of the war then raging, the ship stopped for convoy. As soon as they came to anchor, Commodore Carney and another officer came on board to examine the vessel's papers.