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Marjorie will never be grateful enough for your readings," which was bravely said. "Do you think that I can ever forget the Glen and my . . . friends here? Not while I live; the Carnegies have their own faults, but ingratitude is not one. Nor the dear Rabbi's grave."

The Kilspindie family had only recently come into the parish having purchased the larger part of the Carnegies' land and Drumtochty took a thrawn fit, and among other acts of war pulled down time after time certain new fences.

There was a famous contest for Hampton when I was not more than twelve years old: we went to see the members chaired. My father was orange the Carnegies are almost radicals; they supported Mr. Hiloe and we wore orange rosettes." "A most unbecoming color! You must take up with blue now; blue is the only wear for a Fairfax. Most men might wear motley for a sign of their convictions.

"The Carnegies have never quarrelled," said the General, with much simplicity; "you see the men have generally been away fighting, and the women had never time to weary of them." "No woman ever wearies of a man unless he be a fool and gives in to her then she grows sick of him. Life might be wholesome, but it would have no smack; it would be like meat without mustard.

In the one sat the General and Kate, and across the passage Viscount Hay, Lord Kilspindie's eldest son, a young man of noble build and carriage, handsome and debonair, who never moved during the sermon save twice, and then he looked at the Carnegies' pew.