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At last it struck me that I had not been careful enough in the biting of my plates, and that, by often and passionately repeating it, I had contracted this disease, and always revived and increased it.

Gill, and others, deserves careful consideration; while we keep in mind, that leaven which must spread, however invisible in its operation, until the whole earth shall be leavened. The dread enemy may yet appear in a different shape to any that he has hitherto assumed.

We have thus far not concerned ourselves with the questions of how, when, and where the work of preparation is to be done. A clear vision of the end to be attained, not obscured by thought of the means used in reaching it, seems a necessity. From this we may pass on to careful, detailed consideration of agencies and methods.

How important it is for a mother to have her children by her side at night! It is not for a nurse, however careful she may be, to take them up, comfort them, and hush them to sleep again, when some horrid nightmare has disturbed them.

"I suppose in a large force like this it is not impossible that your political enemies may have a spy or two," observed Kennedy, glancing about at the score or more clerks busily engaged in getting out "literature." "I have sometimes thought that myself," she agreed. "But of course I don't know. Still, I have to be pretty careful. Some one is always over here by my desk or looking over here.

Doesn't smell like violets," he added, as he picked up the spray of leaves and roots. "No, it doesn't," agreed the colonel. "But if you are not a little careful in handling it you'll be a fit subject for a bunch of violets tied with crepe." "You mean " Jack was startled, and he dropped the dried leaves on the library floor. "A specimen of the water hemlock," went on the colonel.

But she had to be careful, for the inn was a busy spot, and around the horses and the autos, especially, were lots of men, working, smoking, loafing and any one of them, Bessie felt sure, was certain to question her if they saw her prowling about.

We made a very careful and particular examination." "And the result?" asked Allerdyke eagerly. "Is it what you anticipated from your first glance at him here?" The doctor's face became a shade graver; his voice assumed an oracular tone. "My two colleagues," he said, "agreed that your cousin's death resulted from heart failure which arose from what we may call ordinary causes.

We should, therefore, give careful heed to this word "sacrifice," that we do not presume to give God something in the sacrament, when it is He who therein gives us all things. We should bring spiritual sacrifices, since the external sacrifices have ceased and have been changed into the gifts to churches, monastic houses and charitable institutions. What sacrifices then are we to offer?

"The director of the jury," he said, "has contented himself with merely visiting the place, less for the purpose of making a careful examination than to trap Michu in a lie; this, in our opinion, was a failure of duty, but the blunder is to our advantage." On this the Court appointed experts to examine the posts and see if one of them had been really mended and reset.