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What do you mean by not coming back?" "I mean he's had the tact to see that we shall be more comfortable apart without putting me to the unpleasant necessity of telling him so." Again the piteous echo of Blanche Carbury's phrases! The laboured mimicry of her ideas! Justine looked anxiously at her friend.

Leadham and Loiter had published a second, and then, very quickly, a fourth and fifth edition; and had been able in their advertisements to give testimony from various criticisms showing that Lady Carbury's book was about the greatest historical work which had emanated from the press in the present century.

Bessy seemed filled with a feverish desire to carry out the plan as quickly as possible, and on as large a scale as even the architect's invention soared to; but it was finally decided that, before signing the contracts, she should run over to New Jersey to see a building of the same kind on which a sporting friend of Mrs. Carbury's had recently lavished a fortune.

Two whole columns had been devoted to the work, and the world had been assured that no more delightful mixture of amusement and instruction had ever been concocted than Lady Carbury's 'Criminal Queens. It was the very book that had been wanted for years. It was a work of infinite research and brilliant imagination combined. There had been no hesitation in the laying on of the paint.

Something in her quick mechanical utterance suggested that not only the thought but the actual words she spoke had been inspired, and he fancied he heard in them an echo of Blanche Carbury's tones. Though Bessy's intimacy with Mrs.

Carbury's slang and noise, in her defiance of decorum and contempt of criticism. "I like Blanche because she doesn't pretend," was Bessy's vague justification of the lady; but in reality she was under the mysterious spell which such natures cast over the less venturesome imaginations of their own sex.

I hope, I hope I may be strong enough through it all to think more of your happiness than of my own. Then he parted from her abruptly, taking his way over one of the bridges, and leaving her to find her way into the house alone. Roger Carbury's half-formed plan of keeping Henrietta at home while Lady Carbury and Sir Felix went to dine at Caversham fell to the ground.

It always alarmed Bessy to be told that she was not looking her best, and she sat upright, a wave of pink rising under her sensitive skin. "I am quite well, on the contrary; but I was dying of inanition in this big empty house, and I suppose I haven't got the boredom out of my system yet!" Justine recognized the echo of Mrs. Carbury's manner.

Know'd she would when I'd polish'd t'other un off a bit; know'd she would. 'Has she written to you, then? 'Well, squoire, she ain't; not just herself. I do suppose that isn't the way they does it. But it's all as one. And then Mr Crumb thrust Mrs Hurtle's note into Roger Carbury's hand. Roger certainly was not predisposed to think well or kindly of Mrs Hurtle.

He wrote back, or Miles Grendall did for him, a very plain note, accepting the honour of Lady Carbury's invitation. The great man came, and Lady Carbury took him under her immediate wing with a grace that was all her own.