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The fact is that very little more protein is needed by those who do hard physical labor than by brain workers. The extra energy needed calls for more carbohydrates, not for protein. When the organism is supplied with sugar, starch and fat, or one of these, the protein of the body is saved, only a very small amount being used to replace the waste through wear and tear.

Gelatin, a constituent of soup and obtained from bones and connective tissue by boiling, is the best known of the albuminoid foods. On account of the nitrogen which they contain, proteids and albuminoids are often classed together as nitrogenous foods. *Carbohydrates.*—While the carbohydrates are not so essential to life as are the proteids, they are of very great value in the body.

The digestive apparatus of the infant is especially adapted to the digestion of milk, while that of the adult requires more solid and bulky food. Milk is a very beneficial article of diet in all acid diseases, because it contains comparatively low percentages of carbohydrates and proteins and large amounts of organic salts. However, not everybody can use milk as a food or medicine.

Chemically, sugar is a compound belonging to the group of carbohydrates, or organic compounds of carbon with oxygen and hydrogen. The group includes sugars, starches, gums, and celluloses. Sugar is a product of the vegetable kingdom, of plants, trees, root crops, etc. It is found in and is producible from many growths.

Why are proteids called nitrogenous foods and fats and carbohydrates non-nitrogenous foods? Show why life cannot be carried on without proteids; without water. What per cents of proteid, fat, and carbohydrate are found in wheat flour, oatmeal, rice, butter, potatoes, round beef, eggs, and peanuts?

He's got a tooth now. You don't want him to bite you. Did you eat anything nutritious earlier?" "Of course." "No Ramen noodles this time?" "No. A salad-a wonderful nutritious salad and some nice nutritious lithium. Like you're always saying, I need to keep away from chocolate and what do you call them oh, yeah, carbohydrates. And there are those bad cholesterols too. You are smart.

The carbohydrates are distributed very unequally, and this inequality of distribution seems to us in the highest degree instructive. Conveyed by the arterial blood in the form of glucose, these substances are deposited, in the form of glycogen, in the different cells forming the tissues.

The ordinary cooking temperatures have comparatively little effect on fat, except to melt it if it is solid. The higher temperatures decompose at least some of it, and thus liberate substances that may be irritating to the digestive tract. CARBOHYDRATES. Like fats, the food substances included in the term carbohydrates supply the body with energy.

Green corn is an excellent thing for milch cows, but it is a very unbalanced ration and needs alfalfa or something else to balance it up. Green corn, for example, contains only about one per cent of digestible protein and 11.5 per cent of digestible carbohydrates and 0.4 per cent fat, or a nutritive ratio of about 1 to 12 1/2. A proper ration would be about 1 to 6 or 7, or less.

In recognition of this fact is involved a principle of health and also one of economy. The proteids, especially those in meats, are the most expensive of the nutrients, whereas the carbohydrates, which should form the greater bulk of one’s food, are the least expensive.