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This is our simple story, noble and illustrious signora, and the reason why my poor niece, here, bears the name as great as that of Caraccioli." "You mean us to understand, Signor Giuntotardi, that your niece is the grand-daughter of Don Francesco Caraccioli, through a natural son of that unfortunate admiral?" "Such is the fact, Signora.

Pain, I am sure, you cannot fear; even I, weak and feeble girl that I am, can despise that what other honor can there be in the hour of death than to be thought worthy of the mercy and care of God? Caraccioli or lazzarone prince or beggar it will matter not two hours hence; and let me reverently beg of you to humble your thoughts to the level which becomes all sinners."

A translation of these forged letters which were written by M. de Caraccioli was published in 1776. By the Gent. Mag. (xlvi. 563) they were accepted as genuine. In The Ann. Reg. for the same year (xix. 185) was published a translation the letter in which Voltaire had attacked their authenticity. The passage that Johnson quotes is the following: 'On est en droit de lui dire ce qu'on dit autrefois a l'abbé Nodot: "Montrez-nous votre manuscript de Pétrone, trouvé a Belgrade, ou consentez

'tis a thought sublime, that man can force A path upon the waste, can find a way Where all is trackless, and compel the winds, Those freest agents of Almighty power, To lend them untamed wings, and bear him on To distant climes." The situation of Ghita Caraccioli, on board the lugger, was of the most unpleasant nature during the fierce struggle we have related.

As I had decided to visit the Court of Madrid before going to Portugal, the princess gave me a letter of introduction to the powerful Count of Aranda; and the Marquis Caraccioli, who was still at Paris, gave me three letters, one for Prince de la Catolica, the Neapolitan ambassador at Madrid, one for the Duke of Lossada, the king's favourite and lord high steward, and a third for the Marquis Mora Pignatelli.

As a last hope, Caraccioli asked the lieutenant if he thought an application to Lady Hamilton would be beneficial? Parkinson went to seek her; she was not to be seen on this occasion; but she was present at the execution.

"Monsieur, this is not so parole d'honneur, I went into the bay in search of Ghita Caraccioli, who has my whole heart, and whom I would persuade to become my wife. Nothing else carried me into the bay; and I wore this dress because I might otherwise have been known and arrested."

Ithuel indulged in a small laugh as he made this allusion; for, in his own way, he had a humor in which he occasionally indulged, after a manner that belonged to the class of which he was a conspicuous member. "Never mind what occurred at Elba. Prisoner, do you wish to question the witness?" "Etuelle," asked Raoul, "do you not know that I love Ghita Caraccioli?"

As I had decided to visit the Court of Madrid before going to Portugal, the princess gave me a letter of introduction to the powerful Count of Aranda; and the Marquis Caraccioli, who was still at Paris, gave me three letters, one for Prince de la Catolica, the Neapolitan ambassador at Madrid, one for the Duke of Lossada, the king's favourite and lord high steward, and a third for the Marquis Mora Pignatelli.

"A very good name, Signore, and one of which you have no need to be ashamed. And thine?" turning to the girl. "Ghita Caraccioli, Eccellenza; the sister's daughter of this honest tower-keeper of the prince." Had a bomb exploded over the Foudroyant, Nelson certainly would not have been as much startled; while the lady's beautiful face assumed a look of dark resentment, not unmingled with fear.