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To compensate for his loss of office, and to secure his votes, the Earl of Carabas was promoted in the peerage, and was presented with some magnificent office, meaning nothing; swelling with dignity, and void of duties.

Cleveland's powers, my Lord; we only humbly beg to suggest that it appears to us that, of all the persons in the world, the man with whom Mr. Cleveland would be least inclined to coalesce would be the Marquess of Carabas." The Marquess looked somewhat blank. "Gentlemen," said Vivian, "do not despair; it is enough for me to know that there is a man who is capable of doing our work.

A murder might be done at one end of that bed, and people sleeping at the other end be ignorant of it. Gracious powers! fancy little Lord Carabas in a nightcap ascending those steps after putting out the candle! The sight of that seedy and solitary splendour was too much for me.

In half an hour Vivian was at Mr. Cleveland's door. "My master is at the Marquess of Carabas', sir; he will not return, but is going immediately to Richmond, where Mrs. Cleveland is staying." Vivian immediately wrote to Mr. Cleveland. "If your master have left the Marquess', let this be forwarded to him at Richmond immediately." "You know all.

"Good people, you who are reaping, if you do not say that all this corn belongs to the Marquis of Carabas, you shall be chopped as small as herbs for the pot." The King, who passed by a moment after, wished to know to whom belonged all that corn, which he then saw.

In this division of the Carabas guests he was not bored with a family; for sons he always made it a rule to cut dead; they are the members of a family who, on an average, are generally very uninfluential, for, on an average, they are fools enough to think it very knowing to be very disagreeable. So the wise man but little loves them, but woe to the fool who neglects the daughters!

By this time the king had arrived opposite the castle, and was seized with a strong desire to enter it. The cat, hearing the noise of the carriage-wheels, ran forward in a great hurry, and standing at the gate, said in a loud voice, "Welcome, sire, to the castle of my lord the Marquis of Carabas." "What!" cried his majesty, very much surprised, "does the castle also belong to you?

As the fine clothes they brought him made him look like a gentleman, and set off his person, which was very comely, to the greatest advantage, the king's daughter was mightily taken with his appearance, and the marquis of Carabas had no sooner cast upon her two or three respectful glances, then she became violently in love with him.

'The side entrance and All, says the housekeeper. 'The halligator hover the mantelpiece was brought home by Hadmiral St. Michaels, when a Capting with Lord Hanson. The harms on the cheers is the harms of the Carabas family. The hall was rather comfortable.

Mackaw," said Vivian, "that was the bird which screamed last night!" "Oh, yes! oh, yes! Mr. Mackaw," said Mrs. Felix Lorraine. "Lady Carabas!" continued Vivian, "it is found out. It is Mr. Mackaw's particular friend, his family physician, whom he always travels with, that awoke us all last night." "Is he a foreigner?" asked the Marchioness, looking up. "My dear Mr.