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After that day, whenever there was to be in the neighbourhood a dance to which she could get an invitation, and where Mop Ollamoor was to be the musician, Car'line contrived to be present, though it sometimes involved a walk of several miles; for he did not play so often in Stickleford as elsewhere.

During her whole wandering though blameless life, in her girlish days, when she charmed snakes at Meddibemps, or through her brief time of service as plain Car'line Prouty at the Biddeford mills, or when she ran away from her step-mother and took refuge among the Indians at Orono, or later, since she had joined her fate with that of De Marsan, she had never been so severely tried.

He must have recognized her, though she did not know it, for it was the strain of all seductive strains which she was least able to resist the one he had played when she was leaning over the bridge at the date of their first acquaintance. Car'line stepped despairingly into the middle of the room with the other four.

And after a while, down came the two searchers the old woman quite beside herself now, and scolding every bit of the way, "that she didn't see what bright eyes were for when they couldn't find anything an' now that Pa'd gone sliding down that mountain, they might as well give up, she an' Car'line" when a sudden turn in the path brought the boys into view waiting behind the rocks.

This from his Car'line, she who had been dead to him these many years, alive to him again as of old, was in itself a pleasant, gratifying thing. Ned had grown so resigned to, or satisfied with, his lonely lot, that he probably would not have shown much jubilation at anything.

"After partaking of the food, I felt tired and dizzy, and closing my eyes, appeared to sleep. The old negress moved around the room, muttering to herself. She gently placed her hand upon my brow, then said: "'Po' sick chile! Yo' white face 'minds me of my own Mandy Car'line just 'fo' she died!

But that was long ago, if it ever was. There's sacrets in all families to be forgotten bad to be raking the past. I never knew you so sharp on a neighbour, Honor, before: what ails ye? Honor. Phil. Let me go, then! Nonsense! the boys of Ballynavogue will be wondering, and Miss Car'line most. "Oh the boys of Ball'navogue." HONOR, alone. Honor. Oh, Phil!

"Hush, Silas, don't say a word until I tell you. Cupid you are the only one with any sense measure Paisley a dose of Jamaica ginger from the bottle on the desk in the office, and send Abram a drink of the bitters in the brown jug why, Car'line, what do you mean by coming into the house with a slit in your apron?" "Fo' de Lawd, Ole Miss, hit's des done cotch on de fence.

All de ducks Aun' Meeley been fattenin' up fur you done got loose en gone ter water." "Well, you go, too, every one of you!" and she dismissed them with waves of her withered, little hands. "Send them out, Cupid. No, Car'line, not a word. Don't 'Ole Miss' me, I tell you!" and the servants streamed out again as they had come.

Ned, her husband, who had been detained in Casterbridge, as aforesaid, came along the road at this juncture, and hearing excited voices through the open casement, and to his great surprise, the mention of his wife's name, he entered amid the rest upon the scene. Car'line was now in convulsions, weeping violently, and for a long time nothing could be done with her.