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It's a rotten, undependable trade, this sailoring. You might just call the carpenter, and get the cover off that smaller lifeboat." "You think he'll get a crew, then, sir, and not our deckhands?" "Him? He'll get some things with legs and arms to them, if he has to whittle 'em out of kindling-wood. It's not that that'll stop Cappie Kettle now, me lad."

Then after a preliminary dance, he took off a little packet of leopard skin, which hung amongst his other charms, and stuffed it deep inside Kettle's shirt. The interpreter explained: "Him say he put ju-ju on Cappie Nilssen, and can take it off all-e-same easy. Him say you give Cappie Nilssen dis new ju-ju for chop, an' he live for well one-time."

If I did, the Company would sack me, and the dirty Board of Trade would probably take away my ticket. So you may as well do the kind, and help poor old Cappie Kettle. You see what he's come down to, through no fault of his own. You're young, and you're full to the coamings with confidence. I'm older, and I know that luck may very well get up and hit me, and I'll be wanting a helping hand myself.

Quite a number of diggers had brought their families from the Colony; thus, many a pretty girl in print dress and "cappie" joined the firelit circle. Most of us were young and free from care. Life was full of romance, for Fortune scattered her favors with an occasionally lavish hand. Every few days one would hear of some lucky digger finding a "stone" worth perhaps several hundred pounds.

"I'm as English as yourself or rather Amurrican. Know you quite well by sight, Captain. Seen you on the steamers when I was stationed at our headquarters in Boma. What might you be up here for?" "I've a bit of a job on hand for Captain Nilssen of Banana." "Old Cappie Nilssen? Know him quite well. Married him to that Bengala wife of his, the silly old fool.

"Me no fit," said the linguister candidly. "He kill me now if I say that, same's he kill you soon." "Oh, he's going to kill me, is he?" The interpreter nodded emphatically. "Or get dem big ju-ju," he added. "Ask him how Cappie Nilssen can be cured." The man with the yaws put the question timidly enough, and the witch-doctor burst into a great guffaw of laughter.