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Reversion, perhaps the cause of some bad dispositions. Rhagium, difference of colour in the sexes of a species of. Rhamphastos carinatus. Rhea Darwinii. Rhinoceros, nakedness of; horns of; horns of, used defensively; attacking white or grey horses. Rhynchaea, sexes and young of. Rhynchaea australis. Rhynchaea bengalensis. Rhynchaea capensis. Rhythm, perception of, by animals.

They are, however, represented in these regions by very closely allied, but distinct forms the Homarus Americanus and the Homarus Capensis: so that we may say that the European has one species of Homuarus; the American, another; the African, another; and thus the remarkable facts of geographical distribution begin to dawn upon us.

The most widely dispersed were Daption capensis the pintado or Cape-pigeon of voyagers Procellaria hasitata, P. coerulea, P. lessonii, and P. gigantea, of which the first and second were the most numerous and readily took a bait towing astern. It is probable that all these species make the circuit of the globe, as they are equally distributed over the South Indian Ocean.

While the crops are growing, large quantities of fish are caught, chiefly Clarias capensis, and Mugil Africanus; they are dried for sale or future consumption. As we ascended, we passed a deep stream about thirty yards wide, flowing in from a body of open water several miles broad.

Great numbers of Siluridae, chiefly Clarias Capensis, often three feet in length, spread over the flooded portions of the country, eating the young of other fishes, and insects, lizards, and worms, killed by the waters. The people make weirs for them, and as the waters retire kill large numbers, which they use as a relish to their farinaceous food. 16th January, 1868.

Subsequently he visited Ceylon, Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, and the Friendly and Fiji Islands, collecting algae. The results were published in his Phycologia Australis. At the time of his death he was engaged on his Flora Capensis, and was generally considered the first authority on algae in the world. Co. He attained a very prominent place in this branch of work among men of science.

"The 'Bucephalus Capensis' is generally found on trees, to which it resorts for the purpose of catching birds, upon which it delights to feed.

They are, however, represented in these regions by very closely allied, but distinct forms the 'Homarus Americanus' and the 'Homarus Capensis': so that we may say that the European has one species of 'Homarus'; the American, another; the African, another; and thus the remarkable facts of geographical distribution begin to dawn upon us.

However, that which none of these authors knew my head boatman, Mashauana, stopped the canoe to tell us, namely, that a water-turtle which, in trying to ascend a steep bank to lay her eggs, had toppled on her back, thus enabling us to capture her, was an infallible omen of good luck for our journey. * The 'Hagidash', Latham; or 'Tantalus capensis' of Lich.

Thus, it is stated on good authority that "almost every animal becomes panic-struck at the sight of the rattlesnake, and seems at once deprived of the power of motion, or the exercise of its usual instinct of self-preservation." Other serpents seem to share this power of fascination, as the Cobra and the Buccephalus Capensis. Some think that it is nothing but fright; others attribute it to the