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"Now, until we have acquired a certain amount of ability" examining the books more closely "our best chance will lie in the neighborhood of a giant star known to us as Capella." "Capella." Billie had drawn a star-chart to her side. "Where is that located?" "In Auriga, about half-way from Orion to the Pole Star. She's a big yellow sun.

Doctor Anderson, of the observatory staff, then devised a special form of interferometer for the measurement of close double stars, and applied it with the 100-inch telescope to the measurement of the orbital motion of the close components of Capella, with results of extraordinary accuracy, far beyond anything attainable by previous methods.

Capella, and so disgust Miss Layton with the Hume-Frazers that she will turn to the next ardent and sympathetic wooer that presents himself. He knew the points of his case, and went to Naples to procure proofs. He has obtained them. They are chiefly living persons. He is bringing them to England, and their testimony will convict Mrs. Capella of some wrong-doing, either voluntary or involuntary.

But in the case of a star like Capella, previously inferred to be double from the periodic displacement of the lines in its spectrum, but with components too close together to be distinguished separately, the fringes behave differently. As the slits are moved apart a point is reached where the fringes completely disappear, only to reappear as the separation is continued.

And the same sequence is found in Capella and in several other more or less conspicuous stars in various parts of the heavens. Such facts, like those connecting rows and groups of stars with masses and spiral lines of nebula are obscure signboards, indicating the opening of a way which, starting in an unexpected direction, leads deep into the mysteries of the universe.

Would the disciple rend his master? Have I not told you that Capella will bring that knowledge with him from Naples? I have hopes even of your long-nosed friend, Holden, giving us all the details we need." "What did the murderer steal from Sir Alan's writing-desk, from the drawer broken open before the blow was struck?" Smith entered, bearing a chicken. "The motive, Winter!

The calm beauty of its leading star Capella awakens an admiration that is not diminished by the rivalry of Orion's brilliants glittering to the south of it. Although Capella must be an enormously greater sun than ours, its spectrum bears so much resemblance to the solar spectrum that a further likeness of condition is suggested. No close telescopic companion to Capella has been discovered.

Capella has brought with him the persons named as the nurse and servants, together with certified copies of all the documents cited. I also have certified copies of those documents, I now produce them, together with a detailed statement of my expenses. Mr. Capella is residing in a neighbouring hotel."

'Of course we shall have tribune tickets as many as we want, said Manisty a little impatiently. 'Have you explained to Miss Foster? 'No, but I will. Miss Foster, next Sunday fortnight the Pope celebrates his 'Capella Papale' the eighteenth anniversary of his coronation in St. Peter's. Rome is very full, and there will be a great demonstration fifty thousand people or more.

The three boys of the Capella crew said good-by to Tom, Roger, and Astro, and walked off. Tom settled back in his chair and sighed. "Sure wish I was in their boots," he said. "I don't see how I'm going to get through tonight." "Don't think about it," said Roger. "Only seven more days to go, and then we go on summer cruise with the Polaris."