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"I shan't do any such thing!" said Fanny; "it's Gertrude's hat. She looked for it this afternoon, but concluded it was either lost or stolen, and so borrowed Miss Emily's cape-bonnet; but she'll be very glad to find it, and I'll carry it to her.

But your moralizing is broken short off by a rattle of feet and the pouring forth of the whole swarm, the boys dancing and shouting, the mere effervescence of the fixed air of youth and animal spirits uncorked, the sedater girls in confidential twos and threes decanting secrets out of the mouth of one cape-bonnet into that of another.

"You and I don't agree about that," replied Belle. "I don't see anything very agreeable about her." "Because you are determined not to, Belle. Everybody else thinks her charming, and Mr. Bruce is opening the gate for her as politely as if she were a queen. I like him for that." "Do see," said Belle; "she's got on that white cape-bonnet of hers! and that checked gingham dress! I wonder what Mr.

She put on a cape-bonnet and indicated the place in the yard where she wanted the wood dumped. Then she returned to the house. "It's very awkward that John should have acted so," she said, in a tone of annoyance. "I don't know who is to saw and split that wood." "We couldn't do it," said Sophia, with another original suggestion. "Of course not. That would be perfectly absurd." "Just so."

So they all agreed to set out and pick some. Mrs. Peterkins put on her cape-bonnet, and the little boys got into their india-rubber boots, and off they went. The nutgalls were hard to find. There was almost everything else in the woods, chestnuts, and walnuts, and small hazel-nuts, and a great many squirrels; and they had to walk a great way before they found any nutgalls.

Twomly, and some gooseberries for somebody else, and Elizabeth Eliza wanted to pick some flowers to take to the minister's wife, so it took them a long time to prepare. The little boys went out to pick the currants and the gooseberries, and Elizabeth Eliza went out for her flowers, and Mrs. Peterkin put on her cape-bonnet, and in time they were all ready.