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"Strawberry," said Tom. "Vanilla," requested Dave. "Oh, fudge!" interposed their host. "We haven't any fudge ice cream, sir," remarked the waitress without smiling. "I cried fudge on their orders," remarked Hibbert gayly. "They are too modest. Young woman, have you still some of those cantaloupes, which you cut open and fill with different flavors of cream and water ice?" "Yes, sir."

Mazzini will never be rich. He takes too much time for philosophy and gossiping with the women, and he loves a joke too well, and his heart is too kind. He is a universal type, as old as the world is old, Theocritus knew him well. "You pick me out some good cantaloupes," I said with deadly tact, and Mr.

Lettuce, spinach, cabbage, watercress, celery, parsley, savoy cabbage, brussels sprouts, Scotch kale, leek and endive rank highest in organic mineral salts. Splendid, cooling summer foods, rich in the blood-purifying organic salts, are watermelons, muskmelons. cantaloupes, pumpkins, squashes and other members of the melon family.

"Then, young gentlemen, permit me to change the order to one of those cantaloupes for each of you." The waitress departed on her errand, while Reade and Darrin glanced at each other, somewhat aghast. The delicacy ordered by Mr. Hibbert cost a quarter of a dollar a portion.

Allow four tablespoonfuls of rum and six of sherry to each half dozen cups. Dish a helping of vanilla ice cream in the centre of the serving plate, place in the centre of the ice cream a whole brandied peach, press it down into the ice cream, baste over four tablespoonfuls of Claret Sauce, and serve. Cut into halves small very cold cantaloupes.

Cantaloupes, if small, are sometimes served cut in halves. If large, divide from end to end in nature's lines of depression. By "very thin slices of meat" we mean slices less than an eighth of an inch thick. "Thin slices" are from one eighth of an inch to three sixteenths of an inch in thickness. Slices of "medium thickness" are one quarter of an inch.

We feasted on them ourselves and gave to our neighbors, and yet our store did not visibly diminish. The county fair occurred on September 22 that fall; and Addison suggested loading a farm wagon one with a body fifteen feet long with about eight hundred of the cantaloupes and tempting the public appetite at ten cents a melon.

Delaware peaches have made fortunes for many, but will make still greater fortunes in the future for the owners of the land. Pears, plums, grapes, watermelons, and cantaloupes thrive, and find an ideal home, and small fruits all flourish. Sweet potatoes yield bountifully and are of the finest quality. Asparagus and early white potatoes pay handsome profits.

Whenever this is the case, it is best to take with bread or cereals only sweet, alkaline fruits such as prunes, figs, dates, raisins, or, in their season, watermelons and cantaloupes or the alkaline vegetables such as radishes, lettuce, onions, cabbage slaw, etc. The acid and subacid fruits should then be taken between those meals which consist largely of starchy foods. A Word About the Milk Diet

Bryan breakfasting on the morning when a national Democratic convention is in session is a sight worth seeing. A double order of cantaloupes on the half shell, a derby hat full of oatmeal, a rosary of sausages, and about as many flapjacks as would be required to tessellate the floor of a fair-sized reception hall is nothing at all for him.