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The violence of his illness does not prevent him from exhorting his brethren He is touched at the fatigue which his illness caused them Thanks God for the pains he suffered Dictates a letter to Clare and her daughters Rejoices and thanks God for his approaching death Blesses his children Has himself carried to S. Mary of the Angels Blesses the town of Assisi Informs a pious widow of his approaching death Blesses his brethren a second time, and makes them eat a bit of bread, blessed by his hand Gives a special blessing to Bernard, the eldest of his children What we may presume were his dispositions in receiving the last sacraments He stretches himself naked on the bare ground Desires to be buried in the place of execution Exhorts his brethren He has the praises of God sung when at the point of death He speaks to his children, and blesses them for the last time Has the passion of Jesus Christ read to him He recites the 141st psalm, and dies after the last verse Miraculous proofs of his beatitude State of his body after death The Stigmata are seen and touched publicly His obsequies Clare and her daughters see and kiss the Stigmata He is buried at Assisi, in the church of S. George The circular written after his death His canonization The Church of S. Francis at Assisi He is buried there Researches are made to find the sacred body The mission of St.

He told me, and spoke truly, that the Spaniards had solicited her canonization at Rome, with that of the venerable Palafox. This "Mystical City," perhaps, gave Father Malagrida the idea of writing the life of St.

But death only increased his fame. Still greater crowds flocked to visit the scene of his holy life, until in January 1477 the Archbishop had the church of Niklashausen razed to the ground as the only means of suppressing this popular canonization.

On the 26th of February, 1867, the decree of canonization had already been solemnly read in presence of Pius IX., who, on the occasion, went in state to the Roman College. On the 22nd February of the same year, the Holy Father signed decrees bearing on the beatification of several holy persons, among whom was Clement Maria Hofbauer, a Redemptorist.

After the death of Elizabeth, the hospital at Marburg, where she had passed the latter years of her widowhood in the care of the sick, was made over to the Teutonic Knights, and after her canonization a church was built to receive her remains, and placed under the care of the order.

The Bull of the Saint's canonization, and the Lections of the Breviary, say that she left her father's house, ut in Africam trajiceret.

The Cretan women looked on her as their best friend, and always spoke of her after her death as "the Blessed " their form of canonization, for even in Athens they had been her chief care.

Contrast the language in which Spinoza is now compared to Thomas á Kempis, and proposed as a fit subject for canonization itself, with the terms in which he was wont to be spoken of by men of former times; and the startling difference will sufficiently indicate a great change in the current of European thought.

My uncle Ramon endured the most atrocious privations during his long life, for he was pitilessly and sublimely avaricious this was his martyrdom. At his death, I inherited his enormous wealth and conceived this prodigious work of art these are his miracles. I have sanctified his memory by gratitude this is his canonization. As you see, it is a veritable legend taken from the Lives of the Saints."

In time, it is true, he lived all this down, still he was never he is not now generally regarded as a saint worthy of canonization. With the suspension of General Beatson for the machinations of enemies ultimately accomplished the old hero's fall Burton's connection with the Crimean army abruptly ceased.