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Answer me!" The rotund man shrugged his fat shoulders. "She's got to call at Uyak Bay going east." Emerson looked up quickly, "Where is Uyak Bay?" "Over on Kodiak Island," Big George answered; then turned again to vent his spleen on the trader. "What right have them steamboat people got to cut out this place for an empty cannery? Why, there ain't nobody at Uyak.

The fishermen to furnish albacore, tuna and sardines at the same price paid by the Golden Rule Cannery. The cannery to assume complete liability for all boats and equipment used by the fishermen in providing fish for it. The cannery to agree to pay all fines, state and federal, for any violation of fishing or navigation laws.

I know of a certain noted peach-grower in northern Michigan who grew, each year, some 2 to 5 acres of tomatoes for the Chicago market. It was his custom to pick out about one-tenth of the best of the fruit, putting it into small and attractively labeled packages; the remainder of the crop was sorted over and from one-tenth to one-fifth of it rejected and fed to stock or sold to a local cannery.

"I tell you there isn't a cannery on the Gulf will pay you a cent more than they pay the fishermen. What's the use of buying if you can't sell?" MacRae did not attempt to answer that. "Let's sum it up," he said. "You can't take any more bluebacks from Gower's territory. That, I gather, is the chief object. I suppose they know as much about your business as you know yourself.

At daylight or before, a cannery tender would empty her, and she would sweep the Jew's Mouth bare of salmon again. With dusk also the fishermen were busy over their nets, still riding to the Blackbird's stern. Then they moved off in the dark. MacRae could hear nets paying out. He saw lanterns set to mark the outer end of each net. Silence fell on the bay.

The president of the Trust turned, and, followed by his lieutenant, left the room without another word. Cherry Malotte, coming down to the cannery on her daily visit, saw Willis Marsh and Mr. Wayland leaving it. Wondering, she hurried into the main building in search of Boyd.

Or else I must go back to my free library books and read of the deeds of other men and do no deeds of my own save slave for ten cents an hour at a machine in a cannery. No; I was not to be deterred from this brave life on the water by the fact that the water-dwellers had queer and expensive desires for beer and wine and whisky.

"Huh! this ain't the United States," Billy muttered. Down on the water front they found a fish cannery and an asparagus cannery in the height of the busy season, where they looked in vain among the toilers for familiar American faces. Billy picked out the bookkeepers and foremen for Americans. All the rest were Greeks, Italians, and Chinese.

It was nearly noon on the following day when the watchman at the Uyak cannery beheld a native canoe creeping slowly up the bay, and was astonished to find it manned by three white men in the last stages of exhaustion so stiff and cramped and numb that he was forced to help them from their places when at last they effected a landing.

"He's all right as a caretaker with little or nothing to do, and he will prove useful to you for odd jobs, but, I have a salmon cannery some miles north of this place and I am going to have half a dozen lumber camps operating south, and further up, for the next few years. Some of them are going full steam ahead now.