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Leaving Nott in the Turnuk valley, they doubled back on Candahar, and in the early darkness of the night of the 10th March they furiously assailed the city gates. They fired one of the gates, and the swarming ghazees tore down with fury its blazing planks and the red-hot ironwork. The garrison behaved valiantly.

General Macpherson moved out against them, and another battle took place at Charasia, and after some very severe fighting the enemy were scattered. Sir Donald Stewart's march had been uneventful as far as Shahjui, the limit of the Candahar province. Here the Teraki country begins, and the Mollahs had been actively preaching a holy war, and had collected several thousand men.

All the same Candahar will be given up; and some time hence, if we have soldiers left, we shall probably have to fight our way back again to it. "Pray give our united kind regards to Captain Burton. I shall be so glad to hear any news if anything transpires at Trieste. "Yours very sincerely, "W. H. SMITH." Speech at the British National Association of Spiritualists, December 13, 1878.

And when he talked about his collection, his blue eyes glittered like a child's at a new toy, the eyes that had remained untroubled when the troops were roaring victory round Roberts at Candahar. "Well, Major," said Rupert Grant, with a lordly heartiness, flinging himself into a chair, "what is the matter with you?" "Yellow pansies. Coal-cellar.

He was thus, with that point artificially strengthened and defended by artillery, well protected against a direct attack from the direction of Candahar, and was exposed only to the risk of a turning movement round the extremity of the Pir Paimal hill. Such a movement might be made the reverse of easy.

The army had given up its base of operations; for at the same time the remaining British and Indian regiments at Cabul were withdrawn to the Khyber Pass. True, there was General Phayre's force holding Quetta, and endeavouring to stretch out a hand towards Candahar; but the natural obstacles and lack of transport prevented the arrival of help from that quarter.

Candahar had held out during the advance of General Roberts. Indeed, Ayoub's forces had never ventured upon anything like a formidable attack upon it, believing that they would be able to starve out the garrison in time. A sortie had been made, but with disastrous effects, and the garrison were now standing strictly on the defensive.

Until Shahjui, the limit of the Candahar province, the march was uneventful; but beyond that place extreme difficulties were experienced in procuring supplies, for the villages were found deserted and the inhabitants had carried off, destroyed, or hidden their stores of grain.

Candahar and Cabul were both occupied by British troops, and a prince friendly to England was placed upon the throne . The main force then returned to India, leaving garrisons at Candahar and Cabul to keep the hostile tribes in order. The troops left behind at Cabul were destined to terrible disaster.

Maclaren's brigade, which in the beginning of November 1841 General Elphinstone had instructed General Nott to despatch with all speed to Cabul, returned to Candahar early in December. Atta Mahomed Khan, sent from Cabul to foment mischief in the Candahar regions, had gathered to his banner a considerable force.