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Two small crowds had already taken up positions in front of the entrances to the pit and the gallery; and several women, seated on campstools, were diligently reading the book in order the better to appreciate the play. Twelve hours later John Pilgrim was thanking his kind patrons for a success unique even in his rich and gorgeous annals.

"For what is the use of being strong if I could not tramp after more wood to-morrow?" "I am rewarded enough in being allowed to serve you, caballeros," Nicolas answered. "And the queer part of it is that he means what he says," muttered Tom, gazing after the departing little peon. Very shortly a cheerful fire was crackling away. Tom and Harry brought their campstools and sat down before it.

After you get your dunnage over to your tent amuse yourselves in any way that you care to. I'll introduce you to the crowd at table." Tom and Harry speedily had their scanty dunnage stored in their own tent. Then they sat down on campstools just outside the door. "Thurston didn't seem extremely cordial, did he?" asked Hazelton solemnly. "Well, why should he be cordial?" Tom demanded.

And here, seated on a bank of turf beneath the shadow of a yellowing chestnut tree, in such position as to get a view of the green valley and flashing river where cattle red and white stood chewing the still luxuriant aftermath, was none other than Ida herself, and what was more, Ida accompanied by Colonel Quaritch. They were seated on campstools, and in front of each of them was an easel.

By-and-by the tent was so much and well to rights that, when Cadet Corporal Brodie, of the new yearling class, looked in, he could find no fault with its appearance. Dick sat down on his box. Greg did the same. Plebes are not allowed campstools in the summer encampment probably on the theory that so much luxury would be certain to demoralize them.

He then brought up three folding tables and proceeded to set them up, next bringing on campstools. Dr. Bentley had overlooked nothing. Last of all paper lanterns were strung from the trees, and just at dark these were lighted. Potatoes were set to boil in a kettle. Embers were raked down and corn still in the husks was set in the embers and covered up to roast.

With a cumbersome abundance of campstools and blankets we set out from Seattle, traveling by rail as far as Yelm Prairie, on the Tacoma and Oregon road. Here we made our first camp and arranged with Mr. Longmire, a farmer in the neighborhood, for pack and saddle animals.

He seemed to be in a quieter mood and attempted no manifestation. Sarah Brown thought he was suppressing excitement, however, and indeed he presently said: "I say, won't it be fun lying about all this to posterity and Americans, and other defenceless innocents." Opposite to them, on two campstools, sat a young bridling mother of fifty, with her old hard daughter of sixteen or so.

No underhanded tricks are resorted to by competitors for the sake of winning. In the boathouse near by sat the members of both crews, mingling on the most friendly terms. With them were some of the officials of the race. Dotted along the water front of the hotel grounds were many little groups of waiting spectators in chairs, on campstools or sitting on the grass.

Is he playing on my nerves at this moment?" But Montez, with an appearance of being wholly interested in Tom Reade, went outside with him. Harry placed campstools for the callers, while the young engineers threw themselves upon the ground. Don Luis Montez, as usual, was to do the talking, while Dr.