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These relics are met with in great numbers at the base of the intrenchments, so that we may justly conclude that they date from the same epoch. The most celebrated of these camps is that of Cissbury, three miles north of Worthing. We may also mention that of Hod-Hill in Dorsetshire, which greatly resembles the one at Cissbury, but we will describe the latter in some detail.

The remarks at the end of the chapter may be useful to some men who would meddle with matters political, when their only training has been in camps. The numerous creeks and islands of this inland sea offer favourable opportunities for piratical posts, and accordingly we read of pirates as early as we read of commerce by sea.

I had some papers in my pocket that would have done harrum to some people, so I chewed them all up and ate them, but I wouldn't take the oath, and I never did take it. The flags were brought in on dirt-cars, and as they passed the Federal camps them Yankees would unfurl them and shake them about to show them.

Major Hunter and I accompanied the herds to the Medicine, and within a week after reaching the range the two through outfits started home with five wagons and eight hundred saddle horses. It was the latter part of November when we left our winter camps and returned to The Grove for the annual settlement.

An almost incredible degree of emulation prevailed amongst the commanders of the different camps, and it descended from rank to rank to the common soldiers and even to the labourers.

I entertain nothing but the profoundest respect for the king; and if I have been impolite, which might be excused by my long sojourn in camps and barracks, your majesty is too much above me to be offended at a word that innocently escapes from a soldier." "In fact, I know you performed a brilliant action in England, monsieur. I only regret that you have broken your promise."

Wild rumours had got round the camps and town that the "lady drivers had got it proper," been "completely wiped out," in fact not one left alive to tell the lurid tale. So that wherever we drove the next morning we were greeted with cheery nods and smiles by everyone. The damage to the town was considerable, but the loss of life singularly small.

However, there had been more than one lumberjack who had found to his discomfort that he could not infringe upon their good nature, which was at all times apparent. Both boys were large and sturdy, and the months spent in the lumber camps had given hardness to their muscles.

Fortunately there was not much to do; our camps being pitched on the sites of previous ones, we had stakes ready to hand for the tent, and in this part of the country we were able to find branches and logs that we could burn without cutting. We still had one axe with us, but neither George nor I had the strength to swing it. The night was cold and damp.

My best regards, Madame," and he bowed low before me, his words ringing true. "Whoever Sieur de la Salle has learned to trust hath my faith also. You have come from the fort I take it, De Artigny? How are matters there?" "Ill enough; the officers at swords' points, and the men divided into three camps, for where De la Durantaye stands there is no evidence.