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For a moment Dick Tayerner remained irresolute; but his mistress had no sooner disappeared, than he rushed after her, vowing he would have her back if it cost him his life. The Puritan's Prison. Hugh Calveley, it has already been intimated, was lodged in a vault beneath the gateway.

"The man is not sae doited as we supposed him." "He is not sane enough to keep his neck from the halter," rejoined Archee. "Your Majesty should spare him, since you are indirectly the cause of his malady." "Intercede not for me," cried Hugh Calveley. "I would not accept any grace at the tyrant's hands. Let him hew me in pieces, and my blood shall cry out for vengeance upon his head."

"Ay, indeed!" exclaimed Sir Francis. "By my directions Clement Lanyere has kept constant watch over him, and has discovered that the young man's heart is fixed upon a maiden of great beauty, named Aveline Calveley, daughter of the crazy Puritan who threatened the King's life some three or four months ago at Theobalds." "I mind me of the circumstance," observed Sir Francis.

"Do you hesitate?" he cried in accents of deep disappointment, perceiving Jocelyn waver. "You cannot misunderstand his wishes, father," said Aveline. "Let him speak for himself," Hugh Calveley exclaimed angrily.

"I will never consent to owe my deliverance to such means." "You shall have all the information you require after the jousts on Thursday," said Lanyere; "and let the thought strengthen your arm in the strife, for if you fail, Aveline Calveley will have no protector in the hour of need." With this, he departed as suddenly and mysteriously as he had come. Whitehall.

Heart-whole, therefore, when he encountered the Puritan's daughter, he felt that in her he had found an object he had long sought, to whom he could devote himself heart and soul; a maiden whose beauty was without peer, and whose mental qualities corresponded with her personal attractions. Nor was it a delusion under which he laboured. Aveline Calveley was all his imagination painted her.

"The torture will force nothing from me," replied Hugh Calveley. "But I tell thee, tyrant, that I would have slain thee, had not my hand been stayed." "Heard ye ever the like o' that?" exclaimed James, his ruddy cheek blanched with fright, and his voice quavering.

However, he left me no doubt on the subject, for he told me he was named Hugh Calveley, and that he had served in the wars with more honour to himself than profit.

"Is it to listen to thy texts that thou hast brought me hither?" And as Hugh Calveley, exhausted by the effort he had made, fell back with a groan, he bent his head towards him, crying, "The secret, man, the secret! or the tormenter shall wring it from thee?" The Puritan essayed to speak, but his voice was so low that it did not reach the ears of the King. "What sayest thou?" he demanded.

In Maine, Hugh Calveley took Bertrand du Guesclin prisoner when he sought to receive the submission of his castles, and only released him on payment of a heavy ransom. In Normandy, Du Guesclin had to buy off James Pipe, who dominated all the central district from the fortified abbey of Cormeilles, and to crush John Jowel in a pitched battle near Lisieux.