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There was the little cottage of which Peter had dreamed only Helen May called it a miserable little shack hunched against a hill; sometimes a light winked through the window at the stars; sometimes Helen May was startled at the nearness and the shrill insistence of the coyotes. Here as Peter had dreamed so longingly and so hopelessly, were distance and quiet and calm.

The Glory of Motherhood A mother should be to her child as the sun in the heavens, a changeless and ever radiant star, whither the inconstant little creature, so ready with its tears and its daughter, so light, so passionate, so stormy, may come to calm and to fortify itself with heat and light.

Then the Captain came out, calling after her: "Lovise, what is it, Lovise? Where are you going?" But Fruen only called back: "Leave me alone!" We looked at one another. Ragnhild rose from the table; she must go after her mistress, she said. "That's right," said Nils, calm as ever. "But go indoors first and see if she's moved those photographs."

I saw the eyes light up of an old woman who had sent four sons into battle and exclaimed: "It is glorious to be allowed to give the Fatherland so much!" I saw the controlled calm in the features of sorrowing mothers who knew that their only sons had fallen. But the expression in the faces of many wounded who were already returning home gripped me the most.

This precaution his friend did not appear to have considered necessary, a single Hottentot alone being left to watch the cattle. The night was calm and clear, enabling him to see a considerable distance both up and down the valley. No sounds broke the silence, and if there were lions or other wild animals in the neighbourhood, they did not make themselves audible.

His best effects are obtained by quiet satire conveyed in the gradual limning of his characters, and by occasional incidents of which each is allowed to give its own lesson to the reader. The facts have all the advantage of a studiously calm and impersonal presentation. In the rapid progress of the plot the reader is kept keenly interested.

At this moment a man with a strong, calm, and kind face approached the group. "Father, father," cried the children, "this man is dying, and this little boy, who is his son, says he has no bread to give him." "John Joseph," added the mother of the children, "this poor man is lying shelterless here; this is pitiful. If you are willing, let us carry him into the house and send for the doctor."

"I beg you to remain calm," one of these men repeated to him from time to time in a passionless way. "Oh! that is easy enough for you to say," cried Lissac. "I ask you once more, where is Monsieur Jouvenet? I wish to see Monsieur Jouvenet!" "Monsieur le Prefect cannot be seen in this way," was the reply. "Moreover, you haven't to see any one; you have only to wait." "Wait for what?"

I have removed it," said La Pommeraye, with no scorn in his voice, but with a calm self-possession which told De Roberval that he was indeed in the hands of an opponent for whom he was no match.

She made no reply she could not speak; too much was happening in her thoughts had happened, rather, for her mind was now quite made up. A vast, half-conscious process seemed suddenly to have settled itself, leaving her quite clear-headed and calm. "You ain't angry with me, are you?" repeated Bert. "No," said Joanna "I'm not angry with you."