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She did not get this evidence direct from Butler, of course he was too secretive, in so far as she was concerned, to let her know how relentlessly he was engineering Cowperwood's final downfall but from odd bits confided to Owen, who confided them to Callum, who in turn, innocently enough, confided them to Aileen.

While Waverley gazed upon this remarkable spectacle, rendered yet more impressive by the occasional discharge of cannon-shot from the Castle at the Highland guards as they were withdrawn from its vicinity to join their main body, Callum, with his usual freedom of interference, reminded him that Vich lan Vohr's folk were nearly at the head of the column of march which was still distant, and that 'they would gang very fast after the cannon fired. Thus admonished, Waverley walked briskly forward, yet often casting a glance upon the darksome clouds of warriors who were collected before and beneath him.

Here Callum Beg received them with a smile of recognition. This was the hereditary tailor of Vich Ian Vohr. 'Shemus, Mr. You know the measure of a well-made man: two double nails to the small of the leg' 'Get a plaid of Mac-Ivor tartan, and sash, continued the Chieftain, 'and a blue bonnet of the Prince's pattern, at Mr. Mouat's in the Crames.

Waverley, looking eagerly for Fergus, from whom, as well as from the retreating body of his followers, he had been separated in the darkness and tumult, saw him, with Evan Dhu and Callum, defending themselves desperately against a dozen of horsemen, who were hewing at them with their long broadswords.

Load my pistols, Callum, and bring them hither instantly instantly! Callum, whom nothing ever startled, dismayed, or disconcerted, obeyed very coolly. Evan Dhu, upon whose brow the suspicion that his Chief had been insulted called up a corresponding storm, swelled in sullen silence, awaiting to learn where or upon whom vengeance was to descend.

By this time they had reached the door of his quarters, which he had taken up in a small paved court, retiring from the street called the Canongate, at the house of a buxom widow of forty, who seemed to smile very graciously upon the handsome young Chief, she being a person with whom good looks and good-humour were sure to secure an interest, whatever might be the party's "political opinions". Here Callum Beg received them with a smile of recognition.

The public seem to think that father put him there, and that's something. Maybe we can persuade her to go after a while. I wish to God we had never had sight of that fellow. If ever he comes out, I've a good notion to kill him." "Oh, I wouldn't do anything like that," replied Callum. "It's useless. It would only stir things up afresh. He's done for, anyhow."

Waverley and me. They stood motionless; Evan Dhu alone showed symptoms of vexation and anxiety. Callum lay on the ground bleeding copiously, but no one ventured to give him any assistance. It seemed as if he had gotten his death-blow. 'And now for you, Mr.

'You did; I saw you as plainly as I ever saw the auld kirk at Coudingham. 'You lie, replied Callum, with his usual impenetrable obstinacy. The cock was down, the pan and muzzle were black with the smoke; it had been that instant fired.

You see the land is "improved" now, for sheep, and it's all in one big farm instead of small crofts, and little greasy, black-faced sheep climb the loose stone walls and nibble the green grass short as a carpet where Callum and his wife lived so long. May I go on to the end of Callum's story; though it is rather a far cry from this hot Red Sea to the cool Sound of Jura?