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What does your Excellence ayme at? Or. Have but patience, You shall know sodainely. Enter Captaine. Cap. My good Angell keepe me And turne it to the best. What am I sent for? Or. You are wellcom, Captaine; nay 'tis for your good That you are calld for. You are well acquainted With all the parts of Germanie? Cap. I have livd there. Most of my time. Or.

What I have don I look not back to magnifie; My Cuntry calld me to it.

Cap Lewis Killed one This river Soux Called by the Sueoux Ed-Neah Wau-de-pon i'e Stone R heads in three Leagues of the river Demoin, and passes thro a Lake about 20 Legues in Sircfs. which is also within 5 Leagus of the Demoin, this lake at one place is confined by two rocks within a narrow Space- this lake of Different widths, with many Small Islands, from the Lake to the Mahars about distant 4 Days march to the Dog Plains 90 Leagues, one Principal branch of the Demoin is calld.

Grave and sorroflle he kist her hand, and, speakin in a very low adgitayted voice, calld Hevn to witness how he deplord that his conduct should ever have given rise to such an unfornt ideer; but if he might offer her esteem, respect, the warmest and tenderest admiration, he trusted she would accept the same, and a deal moar flumry of the kind, with dark, sollum glansis of the eyes, and plenty of white pockit-hankercher.

Conceale your selfe a while; your sons wele send for, And shew them deaths face presently. Pedro. Mac. Let them be fetcht, & speake not of a father. Ten. Mac. Is your Compassion, Lady, yet awake? Remember that the scaffold, hangman, sword, And all the Instruments death playes upon, Are hither calld by you; 'tis you may stay them.

I calld out 15 men and ran up with a fill deturmination to Cover them if possible let the number of the indians be what they might.

I gave in return for this whip a fathom of narrow binding. The River here Calld. Clarks river is that which we have heretofore Called Flathead river. Capt. Lewis has thought proper to Call this after myself for this Stream we know no Indhan name and no white man but our Selves was ever on this river.

A cold sweat pearld in dropps all ore my body; For 'twas my Brothers voice, & were I calld Before a thousand Judges I must sweare It could be no mans els. Buz. Why, then, I must sweare so, too. Hen. "Oh it was I that murthered him! this hand killed him!" Hen. He's up. Buz. I come. Hen. Helpe to make him ready, but not a word on thy life. Buz. Hen. So let it worke; thus far my wheeles goe true.

But that is not the hazard Which I would shun: I rather feare the men We must offend in this, being great, rich, wise, Sided with strong frends, trusted with the guard Of places most important, will bring forth Rather new births of tumult, should they be Calld to their Triall, then appease disorder In their iust punishment; and in doing Justice On three or foure that are delinquents, loose So many thousand inocents that stand firme And faithfull patriots.

This coyne may passe in England: what is your Donship calld, I pray. Jo. Don John, a knight of Spaine. Pike. A knight of Spaine! and I a Squire of Tavestock: well, Don John, I am a little in hast & am unmannerly constreynd to leave your Castilian on foote, while my Devonshire worship shall teach your Spanish Jennett an English gallop. A dios, signior. Enter 12 musketiers.