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The author of this work was a M. Bossu; who also published, a few years afterwards, Nouveaux Voyages dans l'Amerique Septentrionale. Amsterdam. 8vo. The first of these works is chiefly interesting from the minute details into which it enters respecting the Illinois territory. Mr. Forster's translation contains a catalogue of American plants. Voyage en Californie. Par l'Abbé Chappe D'Auteroche.

"That car belongs to a countryman of mine; he has a villa over there" she waved a black-gloved hand "in the part that they call La Californie." "Really!" Esther's tone was one of lively interest. Now she would hear something. "He's a Mr. Clifford or no, he is Sir Charles Clifford now, he was knighted for something or other during the war. He's a big mill owner in Lancashire cotton, you know.

About an hour before this Arthur Holliday left the Restaurant des Ambassadeurs and, with a slight frown on his face, got into his car and drove rapidly to La Californie. When he reached the Villa Firenze all was in darkness. He left his car in a turning out of the main road, then quietly slipped into the garden and walked across the grass around to the paved terrace at the side of the salon.

Yet now and again she recalled the sudden liking she had felt for Miss Clifford, and at these moments she wondered what was happening to the old cotton manufacturer up there in La Californie. She knew the doctor called twice daily. She decided to question him. "Doctor, what happened to Sir Charles Clifford?" "Happened?" The doctor frowned into a test-tube and waited for her to explain.

"Oh, well, let's leave La Californie and go to an hotel in Cannes. If you insisted, I'd send for a doctor another one," he added, looking rather shamefaced. The old lady gazed at him in frank amazement. "My dear, you couldn't do that! Why, it would offend poor Thérèse terribly. I doubt if she'd ever get over it." She paused and lowered her voice confidentially.

After an intense bombardment that lasted all day of June 1, 1917, and part of the night the Germans on the 2d, employing large forces, hurled five attacks on the French Craonne position; three against the eastern face of Californie Plateau and two against Vauclerc Plateau. It seemed as if the Germans hoped to win the coveted position on the heights by sheer weight of numbers.

He drove slowly towards La Californie, reluctant to put an end to the evening, and intensely conscious of the girl beside him, wrapped in her velvet coat, warm and glowing in the darkness. "I'm sure we ought to have left sooner," she said, a little conscience-stricken, "only it was so heavenly! I had the bad luck to oversleep this morning; it would be dreadful to repeat the offence."

"Well, they ain't ridin' on my time," sez I, "so it ain't nothing to me. Do I get the job?" "Where you been ridin' at?" sez he. "At the Lion Head, for Jim Jimison," sez I. "I've seen some o' their stuff," sez he. "It's a good outfit; but it's a rather lengthy walk from here." "Yes, I stopped off a while in Californie an' Idaho to rest," sez I. "Do I get the job?"