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Also the shock had stunned him and all his wits seemed to be buzzing loose in his head. They did not notice, although they passed it close, a certain signboard over a low-browed shop half-way down the street. Afterwards Hetty remembered passing the shop, and that its one window was caked with mud and grimed with dust on top of the mud.

The porter's lodge was on the entresol, in a space which was lighted only from the staircase. All the lodgers, with the exception of Gigonnet, worked at trades. Workmen were continually coming and going. The stairs were caked with a layer of mud, hard or soft according to the state of the atmosphere, and were covered with filth.

Morel, pouring out his tea. "An' was there no more to be got?" Turning to the clergyman "A man gets that caked up wi' th' dust, you know, that clogged up down a coal-mine, he NEEDS a drink when he comes home." "I am sure he does," said the clergyman. "But it's ten to one if there's owt for him." "There's water and there's tea," said Mrs. Morel. "Water! It's not water as'll clear his throat."

Train after train passed us, northward bound, some from Boulogne, some from the trenches north of Paris evidently, bringing artillery caked with mud all packed with British soldiers leaning from doors of their cattle-cars, hats pushed back, pipes in their faces, singing and joking.

Beyond any shadow of a doubt, there was blood on the blade still, and on the wooden hilt, and caked in the clumsy joint between the hilt and blade. "'Joanna have you killed any one?" Joanna shook her head. "Tell me the truth, Joanna. Whose blood is that?" "A dog's, Miss-sahib. A street dog attacked me as I ran hither." "I wish I could believe it!"

His lips were cracked and bleeding; his tongue was beginning to blacken and swell; his eyes were swollen nearly shut from alkali dust, and there was an ugly gash in the hair's edge above his left ear; he was caked with blood and mire, and he clung to the saddle horn with both hands but he drove six horses before him. They gave him, a little at a time, the heated water from their canteens.

And that's just all we can ask, isn't it?" Nan rode up to the veranda of the ranch house and sprang lightly from the saddle. Her pony's flanks were caked with sweat. The days now, as they approached July, were blistering, and the work of the great ranch was heavy for everybody.

He is dripping with sweat, caked with mud from head to foot, his shirt torn to rags, his skin scratched all over, and very likely some nasty bruises from tumbles. He has hardly energy enough left to wash himself. Supper does not revive him, though he stows away an appallingly large one. And then he stretches himself in his bunk and is happy.

Nothing about the canisters of tea and coffee "rattled up and down like juggling tricks," or about the candied fruits, "so caked and spotted with molten sugar as to make the coldest lookers-on feel faint, and subsequently bilious."

She believed she should smell it as long as she lived. She knew it in every stage from the fresh dripping blood of men rushed from the field to the evacuation hospitals, to the black caked and stinking blood of men rescued from No Man's Land endless days and nights after they had fallen.