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No indeedy, but I done reckon yo' has hurt yo'se'f, honey! Look at yo' pore haid!" and she pointed her fat finger at Bert. "Why, what's the matter with my head?" he asked, putting up his hand. He felt something sticky, and when he looked at his fingers, he saw that they were covered with white stuff. "Oh, it's the frosting off the cake!" said Nan with a laugh.

And to-day I learned the I.W.W. are working a trick with cakes of phosphorus, to burn the wheat." Kurt produced the cake of phosphorus and explained its significance to the curious official. "Cunning devils! Who but a German would ever have thought of that?" he exclaimed. "German science! To such ends the Germans put their supreme knowledge!"

Three cups and saucers, a little jag of milk, a teapot, and basin of sugar were placed in the center, and a pile of slices of bread and butter beside them, while from a paper bag she produced a cake which she had bought at the village shop on her way up. Ned watched her preparations listlessly.

With all the things you've brought me" the cake, chocolate, and cigarettes were spread out on the floor "I'll have a merry Christmas, better than the trenches, anyhow. But, I say, don't tell Nelly. She might fret." The Christmas festivities in the Camp were enormously successful. The men had cold ham for breakfast, a special treat paid for by the Major.

Cut a stale cake into slices an inch and a half in thickness; pour over them a little good sweet cream; then fry lightly in fresh butter in a smooth frying pan; when done, place over each slice of cake a layer of preserves or you may make a rich sauce to be served with it.

"Silver paper seems to be rather more for cake and that sort of thing," suggested Boardman. "Kind of mourning too, isn't it silver?" "I don't know," said Dan. "But I haven't got any silver paper." "Newspaper wouldn't do?" "Well, hardly, Boardman," said Dan, with sarcasm.

More city company to-morrow, and I heard her this morning tell that Jezebel in the kitchen to put the whites of sixteen eggs into one loaf of cake. What am I coming to?" and Dr.

Since all cannot be seated, small tables placed here and there in the suite of rooms will give the standing ones a chance to set a coffee cup down now and then. Candy in tiny reception sticks may be passed with the cake; or bonbon dishes may be set in unexpected places about the rooms, where any one who discovers them may nibble at will.

"Oh, we haven't any raisins," answered Polly. "Haven't any raisins!" echoed grandma, looking at her over her spectacles; "what are you goin' to put in?" "Oh cinnamon," said Polly, briskly; "we've got plenty of that, and it'll be good, I guess, grandma!" she finished, anxiously; "anyway, we must have a cake; there isn't any other way to celebrate mamsie's birthday."

When thick add one and three-fourth cups of sifted dry rye bread crumbs, one-half pound of sweet almonds, also some bitter ones, grated or powdered as fine as possible, one-fourth pound of citron shredded fine, one cake of chocolate grated, the grated peel of one lemon, the juice of one orange and one lemon, one tablespoon of cinnamon, one teaspoon of allspice, one-half teaspoon of cloves, and a wine glass of brandy.