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See! there's your nag kicking up a shindy, he said to Caingey Thornton, as the redoubtable brown was led down the street by a jean-jacketed groom, kicking and lashing out at everything he came near. 'I'll kick him, observed Thornton, retiring from the balcony to the brandy-bottle, and helping himself to a pretty good-sized glass.

'Fox-huntin', said old Tom, quaffing off the measure, as before. A flush of life came into his weather-beaten face, just as a glow of heat enlivens a blacksmith's hearth, after a touch of the bellows. 'You must never let this bumptious cock beat us, observed Mr. Waffles. 'No o o, replied Tom, adding, 'there's no fear of that. 'But he swears he will! exclaimed Mr. Caingey Thornton.

'The gent in the green wide-awake 'at, and big-button'd overcoat, replied Leather, 'jest now a speakin' to the youth in the tweed and all tweed; that be Master Caingey Thornton, as big a little blackguard as any in the place lives upon Waffles, and yet never has a good word to say for him, no, nor for no one else and yet to 'ear the little devil a-talkin' to him, you'd really fancy he believed there wasn't not never sich another man i' the world as Waffles not another sich rider not another sich racket-player not another sich pigeon-shooter not another sich fine chap altogether.

Sponge been, like himself, a needy, penniless adventurer, Caingey would have tried to have kept him out by some of those plausible, admonitory hints, that poverty makes men so obnoxious to; but in the case of a rich, flourishing individual, with such an astonishing stud as Leather made him out to have, it was clearly Caingey's policy to knock under and be subservient to Mr. Sponge also.

Having quartered his ground to get at his old friend the bridge again, he just trotted up with well-assumed gaiety as Caingey Thornton spluttered the last piece of green weed out from between his great thick lips. 'Well, Tom! exclaimed Mr. Waffles, 'what have you done with him?

Accordingly, he availed himself of a heavy, newly-ploughed fallow, upon which he landed as he cleared the brook, for pulling up, and returned just as Mr. Spareneck, assisted by one of the whips, succeeded in landing Caingey on the taking-off side.

Waffles would have been an invaluable customer to Thornton if the former's groom, Mr. Figg, had not been rather too hard with his 'reg'lars. He insisted on Caingey dividing whatever he got out of his master with him.

'Well, so be it, then, assented Mr. Thornton; 'you draw at three months, and Mr. Waffles will accept, payable at Coutts's. After so much liberality, Mr. Caingey expected that Mr. Sponge would have hinted at something handsome for him; but all Sponge said was, 'So be it, too, as he walked away to buy a bill-stamp. Mr.