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"Excuse me," the auctioneer corrected him blandly; "the gentleman at the far end of the room I didn't catch his name " "Hunken," said 'Bias. "Captain Hunken," prompted Mr Philp. "Er excuse me, Mr Middlecoat, but Captain Hunken has just offered a hundred-and-twenty." "And thirty!" chimed Cai. "Fifty!" intoned back the voice by the door. Mr Middlecoat passed a hand over his brow.

"I've had enough, it he has," said Cai sheepishly, glancing past her and at 'Bias. "I ain't doin' this for fun, ma'am," owned 'Bias. "Fact is, I'd 'most as lief steer a monkey by the tail." "Then drop it this instant, the pair of you!" 'Bias scratched his head. "As for that, ma'am, I don't see how we can oblige. There's money on it bets."

"But that's 'Bias's train and I was to meet him!" "You might just do it," hazarded Mrs Bosenna. "We count it half a mile to the station, and by the time they have the luggage out " "I must do it, ma'am! To think that " Captain Cai held out a hand. "I'd no notion the time has flown so!" "Dinah!

A little fuller in the crown, you'll observe; but that" with a flattering glance "would suit you. You'd carry it off." "Better have it full in the crown," suggested Mr Philp; "by reason it's handier to carry things." "None of your seafarin' gear, I'll thank you," said Captain Cai hastily. "I've hauled ashore."

Before he could protest further, she had shaken hands, gathered up trowel and kneeling-pad, given them into Dinah's keeping, unpinned and shaken down the skirt of her black gown, and was gone gone up the twilit path, her handmaiden following, gone with a fleeting smile that, while ignoring Fancy Tabb, left Captain Cai strangely perturbed, so nicely it struck a balance between understanding and aloofness.

"The mischief is," confessed Cai, "that I have had no practice in speakin'. I couldn't, as they say, make a public speech for nuts." "It is an art, Captain Hocken," said Mr Benny reassuringly, "and can be acquired.

"But I told you " he began, in a tone of indignant command. "You don't know Mr Middlecoat's temper. I'm afraid if they meet " She hurried by him, towards the gate. Cai took fresh breath and dashed after her. They passed the gateway neck and neck. At a turning some fifty yards down the lane Cai leading now by a stride or two they pulled up, panting.

Mrs Bosenna reached the slip to find Cai waiting below in a four-oared boat which he had borrowed from the Clerk of the Course. A large red ensign drooped from a staff and trailed in the water astern: the crew wore scarlet stocking-caps: bright cushion disposed in the stern-sheet added a touch of luxury to this pomp and circumstance.

But the folks are honest in these parts extraordinarily honest." She broke off, perceiving that Captain Tobias was looking with sudden earnestness at Captain Cai, and that Captain Cai was somewhat awkwardly evading the look. "Be a man, Caius!" Tobias exhorted his friend. "It's it's this way, ma'am," said Captain Cai sheepishly, after a long pause, diving in his pocket.

But you have a wonderful way o' putting things." In this way Mr Benny scribbling, erasing, purring over a phrase and anon declaiming it Cai venturing a question here and there, but always apologetically, with a sense of being carried off his feet and swept into deep waters in half an hour the letter was composed. It was not at all the letter Cai had expected.