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Yet in 1050 the Arabs of Morocco and Spain stole the island from her, only Cagliari holding out under the nobles for the mother city. There was more than the loss of Sardinia at stake, for with the victory of the Arabs the highway of the sea was no longer secure, the existence of Pisa, and not of Pisa only, was threatened. So we find Genoa once more standing beside Pisa in the fight of Europe.

I wander about, thinking of you and staring at big, green grasshoppers locusts, some people call them and smelling the rich brushwood. There was nothing for a pencil to sketch, and I soon got tired of this work, though I have paid willingly much money for far less strange and lovely sights. "Off Cape Spartivento, June 8. "At two this morning we left Cagliari; at five cast anchor here.

What would become of him, if this fresh soul should stoop upon him in her first young passion, as the flamingo drops out of the sky upon some lonely and dark lagoon in the marshes of Cagliari, with a flutter of scarlet feathers and a kindling of strange fires in the shadowy waters that hold her burning image? Marry her, of course? Why, no, not of course.

Pierre, another sheltered in the Gulf of Oristano; three galleys were shipwrecked on the coast in this neighbourhood and lost many of their men; yet another, called the Florence, was twice nearly wrecked on the coast of Barbary, and eventually reached the Bay of Cagliari.

The fleets again were combined, this time under the command of a Pisan, one Gualduccio, a plebeian. He sailed for Cagliari, landed his men, and engaged the enemy on the beach. The Arabs were led by the King Mogahid, Musetto, as the Italians called him.

The mountains west of it, especially those about Iglesias, contain rich veins of copper and of lead, together with a certain quantity of silver. Good harbours exist at Cagliari, at Oristano, and between the island of S. Antioco and the western shore.

A hundred hands reached eagerly for it as it sank lower and lower; but one arm, extending higher than the others, secured the prize. It was Manasseh who from his elevated position, intercepted the coveted token as it fell, and he immediately turned and presented it to Princess Cagliari, amid a storm of applause from the onlookers.

"Oh, yes, I did; very often. And the 'Lahore' and the 'Cagliari' are different things." "Very different it seems. But the sea itself is not so fickle as a woman." And Major Biffin became a picture of injured innocence. "And the land is not so dry as a man, Major Biffin; that is, some men. Ha! ha! ha! Good-morning, Major Biffin." And so saying, she went down by herself.

It was getting late, and she was forced to return to her hotel and dress for the theatre. The way back led past the Cagliari palace, and Blanka noted with surprise that its iron shutters were open and the first story brilliantly lighted. The gate, too, was thrown back, giving a view of the courtyard, which wore rather the aspect of a garden.

Throughout the long chase which followed, all, so to say, slept on their arms. On the 11th of March he wrote: "Ever since January 21st we have been prepared for battle: not a bulkhead up in the fleet. Night or day, it is my determination not to lose one moment in attacking them." On the 26th Nelson communicated with Cagliari, and learned that no landing had been attempted in Sardinia.