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"You see," he said, "I am really very moderate." "Evidently," said Christophe. "I ought to thank you. You might have turned my septette into a cafe-concert song." He stopped in horror and held his head in his hands. "I have sold my soul," he said over and over again. "You may be sure," said Hecht sarcastically, "that I shall not abuse it."

In the principal room in the tavern they were installed as masters, gazing with malignant glances at the ordinary customers, who were seated at the little tables in the corners, where one of the girls, who was left free to come and go, dressed like a big baby or a singer at a café-concert, went about serving them, and then seated herself near them.

He emerged from his cloud of smoke at dinner-time. At ten that evening he stepped out of his carriage before the Krestowsky. The establishment of Krestowsky, which looms among the Isles much as the Aquarium does, is neither a theater, nor a music-hall, nor a cafe-concert, nor a restaurant, nor a public garden; it is all of these and some other things besides.

The younger men were evidently smartening up for an hour or two at some cheap ball or Café-Concert, now that the warehouse was closed, and the day's work was over. Our boots being presently brought up to the highest degree of polish, and our garments cleansed of every disfiguring speck, we paid a few sous apiece and turned out again into the streets. Happily, we had not far to go.

It contained two ex-government officials, a general, a Dominican father, four actresses, two café-concert singers, four actors, two financiers, two lawyers, a surgeon and a lot of literary celebrities.

She raised her eyebrows, made eyes at the wings, smiled with a smile that seemed to curdle on her moon-face, made exaggerated gestures which must certainly have called to mind the cafe-concert but for the majestic honesty which shone in her: this mother of a family played the part of the giddy girl, youth, passion: and Schumann's poetry had a faint smack of the nursery.

It crystallizes your own vague ideas and sends you away with the comforting conviction of what a damned fool the other fellow is. It's the cheapest recreation in the world when you can get it. And it doesn't matter whether you're in purple and fine linen or in rags or in the greasy dress-suit of a cafe-concert singer." He beckoned the waiter. "Shall we go?"

The feast of the Redeemer the great popular feast of the year is a wonderful Venetian Vauxhall. All Venice on this occasion takes to the boats for the night and loads them with lamps and provisions. Wedged together in a mass it sups and sings; every boat is a floating arbour, a private <i>cafe-concert</i>. Of all Christian commemorations it is the most ingenuously and harmlessly pagan.

It referred to an adulterous husband, a pottery dealer in Rue Paradis, Monsieur Vauthier, the lover of a singer at a rather notorious café-concert, named Léa Thibault. The wife had demanded a separation. Adrienne had just read the pleadings. "Poor woman!" she said. "She must have suffered, indeed." Sulpice did not reply. "Do you know that if that were my case, I could never forgive you?"

They met at a cafe-concert in Montmartre, which, like many of its kind, had an ephemeral existence the nearest, incidentally, to the real Paris to which Andrew Lackaday had attained.