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I cadged tobacco, poor cheap tobacco, from poor doddering old chaps trembling on the edge of dissolution. Ay, and when Samuel Merrivale I found dead in the morning, next cot to mine, I first rummaged his poor old trousers' pocket for the half-plug of tobacco I knew was the total estate he left, then announced the news. "Oh, steward, I was careful of that dollar and a half. Don't you see?

He had been cadged for drinks before by the old cannibal, and the sternest tambo Grief and McTavish had laid down was the one forbidding alcohol to the natives of New Gibbon. The trouble was that Koho had acquired the taste.

It was that she must care for Dudley, or she would never have let him bring her out here. And another thing hit me harder still, and that was Hutton, the cousin Macartney said was engaged to her, and Dudley said cadged on her, till he ended by branding her as a thief and getting away with the spoils.

Whichever it was to blackmail her for he'd cadged on her for money before her father died or to scare her into going to him for help I'd like to hunt the worthless hound down for it. And I'd never stop till I got him!" "Like poor old Thompson's murderer," Macartney commented rather drily, "and with no more foundation."

"With with money, mate with money, of course." "How'd you get it?" No answer. "You didn't pinch it?" "No on my sacred sam, I didn't," said Beale eagerly; "pinching leads to trouble. I've 'ad my lesson." "You cadged it, then?" said Dickie. "Well," said Beale sheepishly, "what if I did?"

The man who ran this was a relative of the secretary of the OBS. He cadged all the ingredients for the soup from different tradespeople: bones and scraps of meat from butchers: pea meal and split peas from provision dealers: vegetables from greengrocers: stale bread from bakers, and so on.

My cousin told me 'e sees 'im bankin' 'is money reg'lar in George Street every week." And then a conversation followed, with instances of immense fortunes made by organ-grinders, German bands, and street-singers men who cadged in rags for a living, and could drive their carriage if they chose. The women lent a greedy ear to these romances, like a page out of their favourite novelettes.