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"How should I know?" lisped Caddie Sills, with a remembering smile. "The sea is wide and uncertain, little man." The door opened again. A woman appeared and little Rackby was thrust out among the able seamen. Three hours later he came and looked down on Cad Sills again. Rain still beat on the black windows. Her lips were parted, as if she were only weary and asleep.

At this critical stage of the game the caddie of one of them approached his master and nervously whispered to him, "Please, sir, wad ye do your very best here, for there's money on this match." And the golfer did try to do his very best indeed, but he pressed and he foozled, and he lost the hole and the match.

"Na, na, naething o' the kind," interposed one of the caddies. "They're just twa duffers like yersels!" And great eminence in other fields counts for nothing with the caddie if his man cannot golf in good style. There is the story told by Mr.

But if your match is behind a slow one, do not be offensive in pressing upon the match in front by making rude remarks and occasionally playing when they are within range. You do not know what troubles they are enduring. Remember the story of the old player, who, on a ball being driven past him by the couple behind, sent his caddie with his card to the offender, and with it the message, "Mr.

Tips for tee shots As to pressing The short approach and the wayward eye Swinging too much For those with defective sight Your opponent's caddie Making holes in the bunkers The golfer's first duty Swinging on the putting greens Practise difficult shots and not easy ones, etc. The following are detached suggestions, each of which, I think, is of value and importance.

He ventured small bits of conversation now and then, looking up with admiration at Clayton's tall figure. And, after a little, Clayton took the bag from him and used him only for retrieving balls. The boy played round, whistling. "Kinda quiet to-day, ain't it?" he offered, trudging a foot or two behind. "It is, rather, young man." "Mostly on Saturdays I caddie for Mr. Valentine.

It was a sore point with Sam Dreed that the ship chandler had that day effected a lien for labor on his ship, and the libel was nailed to the mast. "Now they'll scandalize each other," murmured Zinie Shadd. They were turned from that purpose only by the sudden passing at their backs of the woman in question, Caddie Sills. Quiet reigned.

"Why, you be wool-gathering, that you be. You've a-got everything in a reg'lar caddie!" cried her son, as she paused to clack her tongue remorsefully over her mistakes. "Business first and pleasure arterwards. Up wi' the beef! Now then, Billy, fall to! A bit better tasted nor bully, bain't it?" Billy groaned appreciatively, with his mouth full, and silence ensued, during which Mrs.

Devondale's leading citizens were here, and the spectators knew them all, from those high personages who were presidents of local banks down to little Jimmy Harrigan, who was Barbara Devon's favorite caddie at the Country Club. Unlike most of his fellow guests, Jimmy arrived on foot; but the crowd saw his unostentatious advent and greeted him with envious badinage.

The fact is that no player is great in the eyes of his caddie, for on one occasion when two gentlemen who were very fair hands at the game were doing a round and being closely pressed by a couple behind, who seemed to be driving inordinately long balls, one of them observed that perhaps they had better let them go through as they seemed to be playing both well and quickly.