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Hard upon this followed notice of judgment, authorizing the issue of an execution warrant on the 22nd, a warrant of arrest on the 23rd, and bailiff's inventory previous to the execution on the 24th. Metivier, Doublon, Cachan & Company were proceeding at this furious pace, when Petit-Claud suddenly pulled them up, and stayed execution by lodging notice of appeal on the Court-Royal.

Your position will be as much as any one could want; in fact, they don't ask better, I know." "What is to be done?" Petit-Claud asked eagerly. "You have an attorney, Maitre Cachan " "And, moreover, I shall not leave Cachan at once for you; I shall only be your client later on," said Cointet significantly. "What is to be done, do you ask, my friend? Eh! why, David Sechard's business.

"Madame," said Corentin, "we are not Turks; we only require you to swear before these gentlemen that you did not inherit more than five hundred thousand francs from your father-in-law, and we can come to an understanding." "First give me your word of honor that you really are a lawyer," said Cachan to Derville.

Maitre Cachan, Petit-Claud, and Doublon, did better than the Austrian generals; they took for their example Quintus Fabius Cunctator the Austrian of antiquity. Petit-Claud, malignant as a mule, was not long in finding out all the advantages of his position.

The copies of the draft had scarcely been made out, Cachan had barely had time to send the documents to Petit-Claud, together with the three unlucky forged bills, when the Sechards heard a deafening rumble in the street, a dray from the Messageries stopped before the door, and Kolb's voice made the staircase ring again. "Goot money! vrom Monziere Lucien!"

Pay a thousand francs on account to Maitre Cachan, and take a receipt for it; we will keep the rest. And, Kolb, no power on earth must extract a word from you as to my work, or my absences from home, or the things you may see me bring back; and if I send you to look for plants for me, you know, no human being must set eyes on you.

"Monsieur," said Cachan, "you are not attached to the Treasury? You may be told all the facts " "Be quite easy," said Corentin, "I give you my word of honor I am not employed by the Treasury." Cachan, who had just signed to everybody to say nothing, gave expression to his satisfaction.

No sooner had Boniface Cointet guaranteed his costs than he vowed to lead Cachan a dance, and to dazzle the paper manufacturer with a brilliant display of genius in the creation of items to be charged to Metivier.

"Are you Monsieur Derville?" said Cachan, addressing Corentin. "No, monsieur, this is Monsieur Derville," replied Corentin, introducing the lawyer, who bowed. "But," said Sechard, "we are, so to speak, a family party; we have no secrets from our neighbors; there is no need to retire to my study, where there is no fire our life is in the sight of all men "

"I am engaged by the other side," pronounced Cachan, "and I cannot appear for the father when I am suing the son; but go to Petit-Claud, he is very clever, he may perhaps do even better for you than I should do." Cachan and Petit-Claud met at the Court. "I have sent you Sechard senior," said Cachan; "take the case for me in exchange."