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Byram, standing as it does in a territory of absolutely flat deer park, gives, with its stuccoed walls and narrow, oblong windows, no hint of intended art. Parts of it are of considerable age, but it represents as a whole the dignified utilitarianism of the Yorkshire country gentleman as he was from a hundred to two hundred years ago.

A moment later he saw a tall and beautiful girl enter the parlors upon the arm of a gentleman who was evidently her father. Mrs. Byram received them with the utmost deference, and was profuse in her expressions of pleasure that they had not failed to be present.

His First Lieutenant, Byram, was himself shot, but continued to lead his men until the wound and the heat overcame him and he fell in a faint. The advance was pushed forward under General Young's eye with the utmost energy, until the enemy's voices could be heard in the entrenchments.

The threats used to keep the negroes away from the polls are typified in the following, which was published in Mississippi: "The Terry Terribles will be here Monday to see there is a fair election." "The Byram Bulldozers will be here Monday to see there is a fair election. "The Edwards Dragoons will be here Monday to see there is a fair election. "Who cares if the McGill men don't like it?

"Valentine," thought Hastings, "what a quaint name;" and he started to follow the Reverend Joel Byram, who was shuffling towards the nearest tramway station. "An' you are pleas wiz Paris, Monsieur' Astang?" demanded Madame Marotte the next morning as Hastings came into the breakfast-room of the pension, rosy from his plunge in the limited bath above.

New though the structure is, the red sandstone of its walls and gables has been already so colored by the weather that they look like the growth of centuries, and whatever is exotic in the interior carries the mind back to the times of John of Padua. To pass from Hewel to Byram was to pass from one world to another, though both were saturated with traditions of old English life.

Other examples are Angeli Laudantes, and The Adoration. A false note is sometimes struck, even in this factory of wondrous taste. Byram Shaw has drawn the central figure as Cabanel might have done a decade ago, while every other figure in the group might have been done by some hand dead these four hundred years.

Tilbody "read his title clear" the magnitude of the big building, seen through its veil of falling snow, appeared to suffer somewhat in comparison "it is my duty to inform you that, in the words of Deacon Byram, the chairman, your presence in the Home would under the circumstances be peculiarly embarrassing.

The houses already referred to as successive scenes of Christmas and New Year visits were Hewel Grange, Lord Plymouth's, near Bromsgrove, and Byram, Sir John Ramsden's, about twenty miles from York. Hewel Grange, which has taken the place of an old house, now abandoned, is itself entirely modern.

I should not be surprised if he and Mrs. Byram mutually shocked each other. We can say merely that we have all been invited out to a little company, and that it would be rude in him not to accompany us." Mrs. Marchmont was asked not to say anything to undeceive Hemstead. "It will do him good to see a little of the world," said Lottie; and the lady thought so too.