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"'Well, well, your Reverence, says my father-in-law, 'let all by-gones be by-gones; and please God, they will, before they go, be better friends than ever they were.

Van Berg, you ARE mocking me," and her eyes again filled with tears of vexation. "I assure you I am not," said Van Berg earnestly. "I could not be so mean as to twit you with an accident which you could not help, and with an act which was wholly involuntary on your part. Can we not both let by-gones by by-gones and commence anew?" Miss Mayhew bit her lip and hesitated a few moments.

"It was a shame, Belle, for you to lock me up like a naughty, unreasonable child, and I will not endure such treatment," Violet indignantly affirmed, in concluding the recital of her morning's experience. "Well, well, child, I did not know what else to do with you; but let it pass, please. Perhaps it was a mistake, and we will let by-gones be by-gones," Mrs.

"By-gones are by-gones," replied the other, "and let's hope that Mr. Gering will say so too." "Haven't you told him, sir?" "Never a word but I'll send for him now, and bygones let it be." Bucklaw nodded, and drummed the table with his tiger. He guessed why Phips had not told Gering, and he foresaw trouble.

Could we "let by-gones be by-gones," and, beginning now, go on improving and diversifying for the future by natural selection, could we even take up the theory at the introduction of the actually existing species, we should be well content, and so perhaps would most naturalists be.

"No; I was too stupid, and it made him angry, uncle." "Humph! Well, Tom, by-gones must of course be by-gones. Your cousin has written this letter at his father's dictation, and here is a postscript. "`Father seems to be very dangerously ill, and the doctor says that he must have something upon his mind."

You and Monsieur Iberville saved the maid I meant no harm to her; 'twas but for ransom. I am atoning now to make your fortune, give you glory. Shall by-gones be by-gones, Mr. Gering? What say you?" Bucklaw stood still at the head of the table. But he was very watchful. What the end might have been it is hard to tell, but a thing occurred which took the affair out of Gering's hands.

If I had known Mary Dane why the deuce did you give her that name? was on this continent, I would have hunted her up of my own accord. I would, upon my honor!" "Swear by something you possess," the woman said, with a sneer; "honor you never had since I first knew you." "Come, come, Miriam," said Mr. Walraven, uneasily, "don't be cantankerous. Let by-gones be by-gones.

"Ec-c-coutez une moment," the Babe begins, "Jer p-p-poovay expliquay tut tut tut tut sh-sh-shiss " says he, loosening his stammer at rapid fire, popping and hissing, rushing and hitching like a red-hot machine-gun with a siphon attachment. In five minutes the farmer is white in the face and imploring the Babe to let by-gones be by-gones. "N-n-not a b-bit of it, old t-top," says the Babe.

"Come, Tom, let by-gones be by-gones." But I stepped between. "Thomas Weir," I said, "I have too great a regard for you and you know I dare not flatter you to let you off this way, or rather leave you to think you have done your duty when you have not done the half of it. You have done your son a wrong, a great wrong.